9 research outputs found

    On the matrix square root via geometric optimization

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    This paper is triggered by the preprint "\emph{Computing Matrix Squareroot via Non Convex Local Search}" by Jain et al. (\textit{\textcolor{blue}{arXiv:1507.05854}}), which analyzes gradient-descent for computing the square root of a positive definite matrix. Contrary to claims of~\citet{jain2015}, our experiments reveal that Newton-like methods compute matrix square roots rapidly and reliably, even for highly ill-conditioned matrices and without requiring commutativity. We observe that gradient-descent converges very slowly primarily due to tiny step-sizes and ill-conditioning. We derive an alternative first-order method based on geodesic convexity: our method admits a transparent convergence analysis (<1< 1 page), attains linear rate, and displays reliable convergence even for rank deficient problems. Though superior to gradient-descent, ultimately our method is also outperformed by a well-known scaled Newton method. Nevertheless, the primary value of our work is its conceptual value: it shows that for deriving gradient based methods for the matrix square root, \emph{the manifold geometric view of positive definite matrices can be much more advantageous than the Euclidean view}.Comment: 8 pages, 12 plots, this version contains several more references and more words about the rank-deficient cas

    A Backward Stable Algorithm for Computing the CS Decomposition via the Polar Decomposition

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    We introduce a backward stable algorithm for computing the CS decomposition of a partitioned 2n×n2n \times n matrix with orthonormal columns, or a rank-deficient partial isometry. The algorithm computes two n×nn \times n polar decompositions (which can be carried out in parallel) followed by an eigendecomposition of a judiciously crafted n×nn \times n Hermitian matrix. We prove that the algorithm is backward stable whenever the aforementioned decompositions are computed in a backward stable way. Since the polar decomposition and the symmetric eigendecomposition are highly amenable to parallelization, the algorithm inherits this feature. We illustrate this fact by invoking recently developed algorithms for the polar decomposition and symmetric eigendecomposition that leverage Zolotarev's best rational approximations of the sign function. Numerical examples demonstrate that the resulting algorithm for computing the CS decomposition enjoys excellent numerical stability

    The geometric mean of two matrices from a computational viewpoint

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    The geometric mean of two matrices is considered and analyzed from a computational viewpoint. Some useful theoretical properties are derived and an analysis of the conditioning is performed. Several numerical algorithms based on different properties and representation of the geometric mean are discussed and analyzed and it is shown that most of them can be classified in terms of the rational approximations of the inverse square root functions. A review of the relevant applications is given

    Backward stability of iterations for computing the polar decomposition

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    Among the many iterations available for computing the polar decomposition the most practically useful are the scaled Newton iteration and the recently proposed dynamically weighted Halley iteration. Effective ways to scale these and other iterations are known, but their numerical stability is much less well understood. In this work we show that a general iteration Xk+1=f(Xk)X_{k+1} = f(X_k) for computing the unitary polar factor is backward stable under two conditions. The first condition requires that the iteration is implemented in a mixed backward--forward stable manner and the second requires that the mapping ff does not significantly decrease the size of any singular value relative to the largest singular value. Using this result we show that the dynamically weighted Halley iteration is backward stable when it is implemented using Householder QR factorization with column pivoting and either row pivoting or row sorting. We also prove the backward stability of the scaled Newton iteration under the assumption that matrix inverses are computed in a mixed backward-forward stable fashion; our proof is much shorter than a previous one of Kielbasinski and Zietak. We also use our analysis to explain the instability of the inverse Newton iteration and to show that the Newton-Schulz iteration is only conditionally stable. This work shows that by carefully blending perturbation analysis with rounding error analysis it is possible to produce a general result that can prove the backward stability or predict or explain the instability (as the case may be) of a wide range of practically interesting iterations for the polar decomposition