309 research outputs found

    Oracle-order Recovery Performance of Greedy Pursuits with Replacement against General Perturbations

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    Applying the theory of compressive sensing in practice always takes different kinds of perturbations into consideration. In this paper, the recovery performance of greedy pursuits with replacement for sparse recovery is analyzed when both the measurement vector and the sensing matrix are contaminated with additive perturbations. Specifically, greedy pursuits with replacement include three algorithms, compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP), subspace pursuit (SP), and iterative hard thresholding (IHT), where the support estimation is evaluated and updated in each iteration. Based on restricted isometry property, a unified form of the error bounds of these recovery algorithms is derived under general perturbations for compressible signals. The results reveal that the recovery performance is stable against both perturbations. In addition, these bounds are compared with that of oracle recovery--- least squares solution with the locations of some largest entries in magnitude known a priori. The comparison shows that the error bounds of these algorithms only differ in coefficients from the lower bound of oracle recovery for some certain signal and perturbations, as reveals that oracle-order recovery performance of greedy pursuits with replacement is guaranteed. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the conclusions.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    Interference Removal for Radar/Communication Co-existence: the Random Scattering Case

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    In this paper we consider an un-cooperative spectrum sharing scenario, wherein a radar system is to be overlaid to a pre-existing wireless communication system. Given the order of magnitude of the transmitted powers in play, we focus on the issue of interference mitigation at the communication receiver. We explicitly account for the reverberation produced by the (typically high-power) radar transmitter whose signal hits scattering centers (whether targets or clutter) producing interference onto the communication receiver, which is assumed to operate in an un-synchronized and un-coordinated scenario. We first show that receiver design amounts to solving a non-convex problem of joint interference removal and data demodulation: next, we introduce two algorithms, both exploiting sparsity of a proper representation of the interference and of the vector containing the errors of the data block. The first algorithm is basically a relaxed constrained Atomic Norm minimization, while the latter relies on a two-stage processing structure and is based on alternating minimization. The merits of these algorithms are demonstrated through extensive simulations: interestingly, the two-stage alternating minimization algorithm turns out to achieve satisfactory performance with moderate computational complexity

    A New Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method

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    Study of the gOMP Algorithm for Recovery of Compressed Sensed Hyperspectral Images

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    Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) is used in a wide range of applications such as remote sensing, yet the transmission of the HS images by communication data links becomes challenging due to the large number of spectral bands that the HS images contain together with the limited data bandwidth available in real applications. Compressive Sensing reduces the images by randomly subsampling the spectral bands of each spatial pixel and then it performs the image reconstruction of all the bands using recovery algorithms which impose sparsity in a certain transform domain. Since the image pixels are not strictly sparse, this work studies a data sparsification pre-processing stage prior to compression to ensure the sparsity of the pixels. The sparsified images are compressed 2.5×2.5\times and then recovered using the Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm (gOMP) characterized by high accuracy, low computational requirements and fast convergence. The experiments are performed in five conventional hyperspectral images where the effect of different sparsification levels in the quality of the uncompressed as well as the recovered images is studied. It is concluded that the gOMP algorithm reconstructs the hyperspectral images with higher accuracy as well as faster convergence when the pixels are highly sparsified and hence at the expense of reducing the quality of the recovered images with respect to the original images.Comment: Hyperspectral Imaging, Compressive Sensing, Greedy Algorithms, Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (gOMP), Sparsity, Sparsification, IEEE-copyrighted material (2022), WHISPERS Workshop (13-16 September 2022
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