71,242 research outputs found

    High-speed Video from Asynchronous Camera Array

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    This paper presents a method for capturing high-speed video using an asynchronous camera array. Our method sequentially fires each sensor in a camera array with a small time offset and assembles captured frames into a high-speed video according to the time stamps. The resulting video, however, suffers from parallax jittering caused by the viewpoint difference among sensors in the camera array. To address this problem, we develop a dedicated novel view synthesis algorithm that transforms the video frames as if they were captured by a single reference sensor. Specifically, for any frame from a non-reference sensor, we find the two temporally neighboring frames captured by the reference sensor. Using these three frames, we render a new frame with the same time stamp as the non-reference frame but from the viewpoint of the reference sensor. Specifically, we segment these frames into super-pixels and then apply local content-preserving warping to warp them to form the new frame. We employ a multi-label Markov Random Field method to blend these warped frames. Our experiments show that our method can produce high-quality and high-speed video of a wide variety of scenes with large parallax, scene dynamics, and camera motion and outperforms several baseline and state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 82 figures, Published at IEEE WACV 201

    Towards dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive

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    From human crowds to cells in tissue, the detection and efficient tracking of multiple objects in dense configurations is an important and unsolved problem. In the past, limitations of image analysis have restricted studies of dense groups to tracking a single or subset of marked individuals, or to coarse-grained group-level dynamics, all of which yield incomplete information. Here, we combine convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with the model environment of a honeybee hive to automatically recognize all individuals in a dense group from raw image data. We create new, adapted individual labeling and use the segmentation architecture U-Net with a loss function dependent on both object identity and orientation. We additionally exploit temporal regularities of the video recording in a recurrent manner and achieve near human-level performance while reducing the network size by 94% compared to the original U-Net architecture. Given our novel application of CNNs, we generate extensive problem-specific image data in which labeled examples are produced through a custom interface with Amazon Mechanical Turk. This dataset contains over 375,000 labeled bee instances across 720 video frames at 2 FPS, representing an extensive resource for the development and testing of tracking methods. We correctly detect 96% of individuals with a location error of ~7% of a typical body dimension, and orientation error of 12 degrees, approximating the variability of human raters. Our results provide an important step towards efficient image-based dense object tracking by allowing for the accurate determination of object location and orientation across time-series image data efficiently within one network architecture.Comment: 15 pages, including supplementary figures. 1 supplemental movie available as an ancillary fil

    Accuracy of MAP segmentation with hidden Potts and Markov mesh prior models via Path Constrained Viterbi Training, Iterated Conditional Modes and Graph Cut based algorithms

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    In this paper, we study statistical classification accuracy of two different Markov field environments for pixelwise image segmentation, considering the labels of the image as hidden states and solving the estimation of such labels as a solution of the MAP equation. The emission distribution is assumed the same in all models, and the difference lays in the Markovian prior hypothesis made over the labeling random field. The a priori labeling knowledge will be modeled with a) a second order anisotropic Markov Mesh and b) a classical isotropic Potts model. Under such models, we will consider three different segmentation procedures, 2D Path Constrained Viterbi training for the Hidden Markov Mesh, a Graph Cut based segmentation for the first order isotropic Potts model, and ICM (Iterated Conditional Modes) for the second order isotropic Potts model. We provide a unified view of all three methods, and investigate goodness of fit for classification, studying the influence of parameter estimation, computational gain, and extent of automation in the statistical measures Overall Accuracy, Relative Improvement and Kappa coefficient, allowing robust and accurate statistical analysis on synthetic and real-life experimental data coming from the field of Dental Diagnostic Radiography. All algorithms, using the learned parameters, generate good segmentations with little interaction when the images have a clear multimodal histogram. Suboptimal learning proves to be frail in the case of non-distinctive modes, which limits the complexity of usable models, and hence the achievable error rate as well. All Matlab code written is provided in a toolbox available for download from our website, following the Reproducible Research Paradigm

    Online Mutual Foreground Segmentation for Multispectral Stereo Videos

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    The segmentation of video sequences into foreground and background regions is a low-level process commonly used in video content analysis and smart surveillance applications. Using a multispectral camera setup can improve this process by providing more diverse data to help identify objects despite adverse imaging conditions. The registration of several data sources is however not trivial if the appearance of objects produced by each sensor differs substantially. This problem is further complicated when parallax effects cannot be ignored when using close-range stereo pairs. In this work, we present a new method to simultaneously tackle multispectral segmentation and stereo registration. Using an iterative procedure, we estimate the labeling result for one problem using the provisional result of the other. Our approach is based on the alternating minimization of two energy functions that are linked through the use of dynamic priors. We rely on the integration of shape and appearance cues to find proper multispectral correspondences, and to properly segment objects in low contrast regions. We also formulate our model as a frame processing pipeline using higher order terms to improve the temporal coherence of our results. Our method is evaluated under different configurations on multiple multispectral datasets, and our implementation is available online.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication in IJCV (December 2018
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