6 research outputs found

    DOS: Diverse Outlier Sampling for Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    Modern neural networks are known to give overconfident prediction for out-of-distribution inputs when deployed in the open world. It is common practice to leverage a surrogate outlier dataset to regularize the model during training, and recent studies emphasize the role of uncertainty in designing the sampling strategy for outlier dataset. However, the OOD samples selected solely based on predictive uncertainty can be biased towards certain types, which may fail to capture the full outlier distribution. In this work, we empirically show that diversity is critical in sampling outliers for OOD detection performance. Motivated by the observation, we propose a straightforward and novel sampling strategy named DOS (Diverse Outlier Sampling) to select diverse and informative outliers. Specifically, we cluster the normalized features at each iteration, and the most informative outlier from each cluster is selected for model training with absent category loss. With DOS, the sampled outliers efficiently shape a globally compact decision boundary between ID and OOD data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of DOS, reducing the average FPR95 by up to 25.79% on CIFAR-100 with TI-300K

    Robust Uncertainty Estimation for Classification of Maritime Objects

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    We explore the use of uncertainty estimation in the maritime domain, showing the efficacy on toy datasets (CIFAR10) and proving it on an in-house dataset, SHIPS. We present a method joining the intra-class uncertainty achieved using Monte Carlo Dropout, with recent discoveries in the field of outlier detection, to gain more holistic uncertainty measures. We explore the relationship between the introduced uncertainty measures and examine how well they work on CIFAR10 and in a real-life setting. Our work improves the FPR95 by 8% compared to the current highest-performing work when the models are trained without out-of-distribution data. We increase the performance by 77% compared to a vanilla implementation of the Wide ResNet. We release the SHIPS dataset and show the effectiveness of our method by improving the FPR95 by 44.2% with respect to the baseline. Our approach is model agnostic, easy to implement, and often does not require model retraining

    SCOUT: Self-aware Discriminant Counterfactual Explanations

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    The problem of counterfactual visual explanations is considered. A new family of discriminant explanations is introduced. These produce heatmaps that attribute high scores to image regions informative of a classifier prediction but not of a counter class. They connect attributive explanations, which are based on a single heat map, to counterfactual explanations, which account for both predicted class and counter class. The latter are shown to be computable by combination of two discriminant explanations, with reversed class pairs. It is argued that self-awareness, namely the ability to produce classification confidence scores, is important for the computation of discriminant explanations, which seek to identify regions where it is easy to discriminate between prediction and counter class. This suggests the computation of discriminant explanations by the combination of three attribution maps. The resulting counterfactual explanations are optimization free and thus much faster than previous methods. To address the difficulty of their evaluation, a proxy task and set of quantitative metrics are also proposed. Experiments under this protocol show that the proposed counterfactual explanations outperform the state of the art while achieving much higher speeds, for popular networks. In a human-learning machine teaching experiment, they are also shown to improve mean student accuracy from chance level to 95\%.Comment: Accepted to CVPR202

    Optimal Parameter and Neuron Pruning for Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    For a machine learning model deployed in real world scenarios, the ability of detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) samples is indispensable and challenging. Most existing OOD detection methods focused on exploring advanced training skills or training-free tricks to prevent the model from yielding overconfident confidence score for unknown samples. The training-based methods require expensive training cost and rely on OOD samples which are not always available, while most training-free methods can not efficiently utilize the prior information from the training data. In this work, we propose an \textbf{O}ptimal \textbf{P}arameter and \textbf{N}euron \textbf{P}runing (\textbf{OPNP}) approach, which aims to identify and remove those parameters and neurons that lead to over-fitting. The main method is divided into two steps. In the first step, we evaluate the sensitivity of the model parameters and neurons by averaging gradients over all training samples. In the second step, the parameters and neurons with exceptionally large or close to zero sensitivities are removed for prediction. Our proposal is training-free, compatible with other post-hoc methods, and exploring the information from all training data. Extensive experiments are performed on multiple OOD detection tasks and model architectures, showing that our proposed OPNP consistently outperforms the existing methods by a large margin.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2023. 19 page

    Data Optimization in Deep Learning: A Survey

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    Large-scale, high-quality data are considered an essential factor for the successful application of many deep learning techniques. Meanwhile, numerous real-world deep learning tasks still have to contend with the lack of sufficient amounts of high-quality data. Additionally, issues such as model robustness, fairness, and trustworthiness are also closely related to training data. Consequently, a huge number of studies in the existing literature have focused on the data aspect in deep learning tasks. Some typical data optimization techniques include data augmentation, logit perturbation, sample weighting, and data condensation. These techniques usually come from different deep learning divisions and their theoretical inspirations or heuristic motivations may seem unrelated to each other. This study aims to organize a wide range of existing data optimization methodologies for deep learning from the previous literature, and makes the effort to construct a comprehensive taxonomy for them. The constructed taxonomy considers the diversity of split dimensions, and deep sub-taxonomies are constructed for each dimension. On the basis of the taxonomy, connections among the extensive data optimization methods for deep learning are built in terms of four aspects. We probe into rendering several promising and interesting future directions. The constructed taxonomy and the revealed connections will enlighten the better understanding of existing methods and the design of novel data optimization techniques. Furthermore, our aspiration for this survey is to promote data optimization as an independent subdivision of deep learning. A curated, up-to-date list of resources related to data optimization in deep learning is available at \url{https://github.com/YaoRujing/Data-Optimization}

    Apprentissage supervisés sous contraintes

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    As supervised learning occupies a larger and larger place in our everyday life, it is met with more and more constrained settings. Dealing with those constraints is a key to fostering new progress in the field, expanding ever further the limit of machine learning---a likely necessary step to reach artificial general intelligence. Supervised learning is an inductive paradigm in which time and data are refined into knowledge, in the form of predictive models. Models which can sometimes be, it must be conceded, opaque, memory demanding and energy consuming. Given this setting, a constraint can mean any number of things. Essentially, a constraint is anything that stand in the way of supervised learning, be it the lack of time, of memory, of data, or of understanding. Additionally, the scope of applicability of supervised learning is so vast it can appear daunting. Usefulness can be found in areas including medical analysis and autonomous driving---areas for which strong guarantees are required. All those constraints (time, memory, data, interpretability, reliability) might somewhat conflict with the traditional goal of supervised learning. In such a case, finding a balance between the constraints and the standard objective is problem-dependent, thus requiring generic solutions. Alternatively, concerns might arise after learning, in which case solutions must be developed under sub-optimal conditions, resulting in constraints adding up. An example of such situations is trying to enforce reliability once the data is no longer available. After detailing the background (what is supervised learning and why is it difficult, what algorithms will be used, where does it land in the broader scope of knowledge) in which this thesis integrates itself, we will discuss four different scenarios. The first one is about trying to learn a good decision forest model of a limited size, without learning first a large model and then compressing it. For that, we have developed the Globally Induced Forest (GIF) algorithm, which mixes local and global optimizations to produce accurate predictions under memory constraints in reasonable time. More specifically, the global part allows to sidestep the redundancy inherent in traditional decision forests. It is shown that the proposed method is more than competitive with standard tree-based ensembles under corresponding constraints, and can sometimes even surpass much larger models. The second scenario corresponds to the example given above: trying to enforce reliability without data. More specifically, the focus in on out-of-distribution (OOD) detection: recognizing samples which do not come from the original distribution the model was learned from. Tackling this problem with utter lack of data is challenging. Our investigation focuses on image classification with convolutional neural networks. Indicators which can be computed alongside the prediction with little additional cost are proposed. These indicators prove useful, stable and complementary for OOD detection. We also introduce a surprisingly simple, yet effective summary indicator, shown to perform well across several networks and datasets. It can easily be tuned further as soon as samples become available. Overall, interesting results can be reached in all but the most severe settings, for which it was a priori doubtful to come up with a data-free solution. The third scenario relates to transferring the knowledge of a large model in a smaller one in the absence of data. To do so, we propose to leverage a collection of unlabeled data which are easy to come up with in domains such as image classification. Two schemes are proposed (and then analyzed) to provide optimal transfer. Firstly, we proposed a biasing mechanism in the choice of unlabeled data to use so that the focus is on the more relevant samples. Secondly, we designed a teaching mechanism, applicable for almost all pairs of large and small networks, which allows for a much better knowledge transfer between the networks. Overall, good results are obtainable in decent time provided the collection of data actually contains relevant samples. The fourth scenario tackles the problem of interpretability: what knowledge can be gleaned more or less indirectly from data. We discuss two subproblems. The first one is to showcase that GIFs (cf. supra) can be used to derive intrinsically interpretable models. The second consists in a comparative study between methods and types of models (namely decision forests and neural networks) for the specific purpose of quantifying how much each variable is important in a given problem. After a preliminary study on benchmark datasets, the analysis turns to a concrete biological problem: inferring gene regulatory network from data. An ambivalent conclusion is reached: neural networks can be made to perform better than decision forests at predicting in almost all instances but struggle to identify the relevant variables in some situations. It would seem that better (motivated) methods need to be proposed for neural networks, especially in the face of highly non-linear problems