12 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Fusion by Meta-Initialization

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    When experience is scarce, models may have insufficient information to adapt to a new task. In this case, auxiliary information - such as a textual description of the task - can enable improved task inference and adaptation. In this work, we propose an extension to the Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning algorithm (MAML), which allows the model to adapt using auxiliary information as well as task experience. Our method, Fusion by Meta-Initialization (FuMI), conditions the model initialization on auxiliary information using a hypernetwork, rather than learning a single, task-agnostic initialization. Furthermore, motivated by the shortcomings of existing multi-modal few-shot learning benchmarks, we constructed iNat-Anim - a large-scale image classification dataset with succinct and visually pertinent textual class descriptions. On iNat-Anim, FuMI significantly outperforms uni-modal baselines such as MAML in the few-shot regime. The code for this project and a dataset exploration tool for iNat-Anim are publicly available at https://github.com/s-a-malik/multi-few .Comment: The first two authors contributed equall

    LPN: Language-guided Prototypical Network for few-shot classification

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    Few-shot classification aims to adapt to new tasks with limited labeled examples. To fully use the accessible data, recent methods explore suitable measures for the similarity between the query and support images and better high-dimensional features with meta-training and pre-training strategies. However, the potential of multi-modality information has barely been explored, which may bring promising improvement for few-shot classification. In this paper, we propose a Language-guided Prototypical Network (LPN) for few-shot classification, which leverages the complementarity of vision and language modalities via two parallel branches. Concretely, to introduce language modality with limited samples in the visual task, we leverage a pre-trained text encoder to extract class-level text features directly from class names while processing images with a conventional image encoder. Then, a language-guided decoder is introduced to obtain text features corresponding to each image by aligning class-level features with visual features. In addition, to take advantage of class-level features and prototypes, we build a refined prototypical head that generates robust prototypes in the text branch for follow-up measurement. Finally, we aggregate the visual and text logits to calibrate the deviation of a single modality. Extensive experiments demonstrate the competitiveness of LPN against state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets

    Dual Adversarial Alignment for Realistic Support-Query Shift Few-shot Learning

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    Support-query shift few-shot learning aims to classify unseen examples (query set) to labeled data (support set) based on the learned embedding in a low-dimensional space under a distribution shift between the support set and the query set. However, in real-world scenarios the shifts are usually unknown and varied, making it difficult to estimate in advance. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel but more difficult challenge, RSQS, focusing on Realistic Support-Query Shift few-shot learning. The key feature of RSQS is that the individual samples in a meta-task are subjected to multiple distribution shifts in each meta-task. In addition, we propose a unified adversarial feature alignment method called DUal adversarial ALignment framework (DuaL) to relieve RSQS from two aspects, i.e., inter-domain bias and intra-domain variance. On the one hand, for the inter-domain bias, we corrupt the original data in advance and use the synthesized perturbed inputs to train the repairer network by minimizing distance in the feature level. On the other hand, for intra-domain variance, we proposed a generator network to synthesize hard, i.e., less similar, examples from the support set in a self-supervised manner and introduce regularized optimal transportation to derive a smooth optimal transportation plan. Lastly, a benchmark of RSQS is built with several state-of-the-art baselines among three datasets (CIFAR100, mini-ImageNet, and Tiered-Imagenet). Experiment results show that DuaL significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in our benchmark.Comment: Best student paper in PAKDD 202