40 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Cross-Modal Talking Face Generationwith Dynamic Pixel-Wise Loss

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    We devise a cascade GAN approach to generate talking face video, which is robust to different face shapes, view angles, facial characteristics, and noisy audio conditions. Instead of learning a direct mapping from audio to video frames, we propose first to transfer audio to high-level structure, i.e., the facial landmarks, and then to generate video frames conditioned on the landmarks. Compared to a direct audio-to-image approach, our cascade approach avoids fitting spurious correlations between audiovisual signals that are irrelevant to the speech content. We, humans, are sensitive to temporal discontinuities and subtle artifacts in video. To avoid those pixel jittering problems and to enforce the network to focus on audiovisual-correlated regions, we propose a novel dynamically adjustable pixel-wise loss with an attention mechanism. Furthermore, to generate a sharper image with well-synchronized facial movements, we propose a novel regression-based discriminator structure, which considers sequence-level information along with frame-level information. Thoughtful experiments on several datasets and real-world samples demonstrate significantly better results obtained by our method than the state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative and qualitative comparisons

    Beyond Voxel Prediction Uncertainty: Identifying brain lesions you can trust

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    Deep neural networks have become the gold-standard approach for the automated segmentation of 3D medical images. Their full acceptance by clinicians remains however hampered by the lack of intelligible uncertainty assessment of the provided results. Most approaches to quantify their uncertainty, such as the popular Monte Carlo dropout, restrict to some measure of uncertainty in prediction at the voxel level. In addition not to be clearly related to genuine medical uncertainty, this is not clinically satisfying as most objects of interest (e.g. brain lesions) are made of groups of voxels whose overall relevance may not simply reduce to the sum or mean of their individual uncertainties. In this work, we propose to go beyond voxel-wise assessment using an innovative Graph Neural Network approach, trained from the outputs of a Monte Carlo dropout model. This network allows the fusion of three estimators of voxel uncertainty: entropy, variance, and model's confidence; and can be applied to any lesion, regardless of its shape or size. We demonstrate the superiority of our approach for uncertainty estimate on a task of Multiple Sclerosis lesions segmentation.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the Workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing (iMIMIC) at MICCAI 202