2 research outputs found

    Ciencia de Datos versus Ciencia de la Información: informetría y análisis textual

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    The aim of this paper is identifying the characteristics of the scientific literature located in the superposition of Data Science (DC) and Information Science (IS). For this, a descriptive study with informetric applications, and, as a first approximation, textual analysis was carried out. 58 and 49 records were recovered in Scopus and WoS, respectively, for the period 1900-november, 2020. Scopus documents were the most cited and with a greater typological variety. Conceptually, data is the element that connects both domains. Both are conceived as transversal areas of knowledge, that is, they are intra, multi and transdisciplinary. DS and IS are recent disciplines, in their process of definition, reconceptualization and conformation of their methods and categories of analysis of large amounts of data and information. The sum of studies that appears in WoS and Scopus show us that DS and IS complement themselves and intersect with other areas of scientific knowledge. They are also communicated in other languages than English: Italian, French, Portuguese and JapaneseSe pretenden identificar las características de la literatura científica ubicadas en la superposición de la Ciencia de Datos (CD) y la Ciencia de la Información (CI). Para ello, se realiza un descriptivo con aplicaciones informétricas, y como primera aproximación el análisis textual. Para el periodo 1900-noviembre de 2020 se recuperaron 58 y 49 registros en Scopus y WoS, respectivamente, siendo los documentos de Scopus aquellos con mayor cantidad de citas y variedad tipológica. Conceptualmente, los datos, son el elemento que conectan a la CD y la CI. Ambas son concebidas como áreas del conocimiento transversales, es decir, son intra, multi y transdisciplinarias. La CD y la CI son disciplinas, recientes, en proceso de definiciones, reconceptualizaciones y conformación de métodos y categorías de análisis de grandes cantidades de datos e información. En tanto que la suma de estudios en CD y CI aparecen en WoS como en Scopus, se complementan e intersectan con otras áreas del saber científico, y se comunican, también en idiomas distintos del inglés: italiano, francés, portugués y japonés

    BIRDS-Bridging the Gap between Information Science, Information Retrieval and Data Science

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    The BIRDS workshop aimed to foster the cross-fertilization of Information Science (IS), Information Retrieval (IR) and Data Science (DS). Recognising the commonalities and differences between these communities, the proposed full-day workshop brought together experts and researchers in IS, IR and DS to discuss how they can learn from each other to provide more user-driven data and infor-mation exploration and retrieval solutions. Therefore, the papers aimed to convey ideas on how to utilise, for instance, IS concepts and theories in DS and IR or DS approaches to support users in data and information exploration