1 research outputs found

    IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters: Vol. 10, No. 4, July 2013

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    1. Initial Validation of SMOS Vegetation Optical Thickess in Iowa / Jason Patton, Brian Hornbuckle 2. Automatic Annotation of Satellite Images via Multifeature Joint Sparse Coding with Spatial Relation Constraint / Xinwei Zheng, et al. 3. Registration of Optical and SAR Satellite Images by Exploring the Spatial Relationship of the Improved SIFT / Bin Fan, et al. 4. FFT-Accelerated Analysis of Scattering From Complex ielectrics Embedded in Uniaxial Layered Media / Kai Yang, Ali E. Yilmaz 5. Multimodal Remote Sensing Data Fusion via Coherent Point Set Analysis / Huanxin Zou, et al. 6. Bridge Thermal Dilation Monitoring with Milimeter Sensitivity via Multidimensional SAR Imaging / Gianfranco Fornaro, Diego Reale, Simona Verde 7. Wavelet Packet Analyis and Gray Model for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Data / Jihao Yin, Chao Gao, Xiuping Jia 8. Two Stage Fuzzy Fusion with Applications to Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging / Cher Hau Seng, et al. 9. Azimuth Overlapped Subaperture Algorithm in Frequency Domain for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar / Yu Tang, et al. 10. Unupervised Change Detection on SAR Images Using Triplet Markov Field Model / Fan Wang, et al. 11. Linear Feature Extraction for Hypercentral Images Based on Information Theoric Learning / Mehdi Kamandar, Hassan Ghassemian 12. Using MODIS NDVI Time Series to Identify Geographic Patterns of Landslide in Vegetated Regions / Wentao Yang, Ming Wang, Peijun Shi 13. Selection of Landmark Points on Nonlinear Manifolds for Spectral Unmixing Using Local Homogeneity / Junhwa Chi, Melba M. Crawford 14. Seasonal Snow Cover Mapping in Alpine Areas Through Time Series of COSMO-Sky Med Images / C. Notarnicola, et al. 15. Airborne Dual-Polarization Observations of the Sea Surface NRCS at C-Band in High Winds / Joseph W. Sapp, et al. etc