276 research outputs found

    Axiomatizing iteration categories

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    A connection between concurrency and language theory

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    We show that three fixed point structures equipped with (sequential) composition, a sum operation, and a fixed point operation share the same valid equations. These are the theories of (context-free) languages, (regular) tree languages, and simulation equivalence classes of (regular) synchronization trees (or processes). The results reveal a close relationship between classical language theory and process algebra

    Iteration Algebras for UnQL Graphs and Completeness for Bisimulation

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    This paper shows an application of Bloom and Esik's iteration algebras to model graph data in a graph database query language. About twenty years ago, Buneman et al. developed a graph database query language UnQL on the top of a functional meta-language UnCAL for describing and manipulating graphs. Recently, the functional programming community has shown renewed interest in UnCAL, because it provides an efficient graph transformation language which is useful for various applications, such as bidirectional computation. However, no mathematical semantics of UnQL/UnCAL graphs has been developed. In this paper, we give an equational axiomatisation and algebraic semantics of UnCAL graphs. The main result of this paper is to prove that completeness of our equational axioms for UnCAL for the original bisimulation of UnCAL graphs via iteration algebras. Another benefit of algebraic semantics is a clean characterisation of structural recursion on graphs using free iteration algebra.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2015, arXiv:1509.0282

    Simulations of Weighted Tree Automata

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    Simulations of weighted tree automata (wta) are considered. It is shown how such simulations can be decomposed into simpler functional and dual functional simulations also called forward and backward simulations. In addition, it is shown in several cases (fields, commutative rings, Noetherian semirings, semiring of natural numbers) that all equivalent wta M and N can be joined by a finite chain of simulations. More precisely, in all mentioned cases there exists a single wta that simulates both M and N. Those results immediately yield decidability of equivalence provided that the semiring is finitely (and effectively) presented.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    A Case Study on Computational Hermeneutics: E. J. Lowe’s Modal Ontological Argument

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    Computers may help us to better understand (not just verify) arguments. In this article we defend this claim by showcasing the application of a new, computer-assisted interpretive method to an exemplary natural-language ar- gument with strong ties to metaphysics and religion: E. J. Lowe’s modern variant of St. Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God. Our new method, which we call computational hermeneutics, has been particularly conceived for use in interactive-automated proof assistants. It aims at shedding light on the meanings of words and sentences by framing their inferential role in a given argument. By employing automated theorem reasoning technology within interactive proof assistants, we are able to drastically reduce (by several orders of magnitude) the time needed to test the logical validity of an argu- ment’s formalization. As a result, a new approach to logical analysis, inspired by Donald Davidson’s account of radical interpretation, has been enabled. In computational hermeneutics, the utilization of automated reasoning tools ef- fectively boosts our capacity to expose the assumptions we indirectly commit ourselves to every time we engage in rational argumentation and it fosters the explicitation and revision of our concepts and commitments

    An analysis of the equational properties of the well-founded fixed point

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    Well-founded fixed points have been used in several areas of knowledge representation and reasoning and to give semantics to logic programs involving negation. They are an important ingredient of approximation fixed point theory. We study the logical properties of the (parametric) well-founded fixed point operation. We show that the operation satisfies several, but not all of the equational properties of fixed point operations described by the axioms of iteration theories

    Cyclic Datatypes modulo Bisimulation based on Second-Order Algebraic Theories

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    Cyclic data structures, such as cyclic lists, in functional programming are tricky to handle because of their cyclicity. This paper presents an investigation of categorical, algebraic, and computational foundations of cyclic datatypes. Our framework of cyclic datatypes is based on second-order algebraic theories of Fiore et al., which give a uniform setting for syntax, types, and computation rules for describing and reasoning about cyclic datatypes. We extract the "fold" computation rules from the categorical semantics based on iteration categories of Bloom and Esik. Thereby, the rules are correct by construction. We prove strong normalisation using the General Schema criterion for second-order computation rules. Rather than the fixed point law, we particularly choose Bekic law for computation, which is a key to obtaining strong normalisation. We also prove the property of "Church-Rosser modulo bisimulation" for the computation rules. Combining these results, we have a remarkable decidability result of the equational theory of cyclic data and fold.Comment: 38 page
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