22 research outputs found

    Contextual, Optimal and Universal Realization of the Quantum Cloning Machine and of the NOT gate

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    A simultaneous realization of the Universal Optimal Quantum Cloning Machine (UOQCM) and of the Universal-NOT gate by a quantum injected optical parametric amplification (QIOPA), is reported. The two processes, forbidden in their exact form for fundamental quantum limitations, are found universal and optimal, and the measured fidelity F<1 is found close to the limit values evaluated by quantum theory. This work may enlighten the yet little explored interconnections of fundamental axiomatic properties within the deep structure of quantum mechanics.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Contextual Realization of the Universal Quantum Cloning Machine and of the Universal-NOT gate by Quantum Injected Optical Parametric Amplification

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    A simultaneous, contextual experimental demonstration of the two processes of cloning an input qubit and of flipping it into the orthogonal qubit is reported. The adopted experimental apparatus, a Quantum-Injected Optical Parametric Amplifier (QIOPA) is transformed simultaneously into a Universal Optimal Quantum Cloning Machine (UOQCM) and into a Universal NOT quantum-information gate. The two processes, indeed forbidden in their exact form for fundamental quantum limitations, will be found to be universal and optimal, i.e. the measured fidelity of both processes F<1 will be found close to the limit values evaluated by quantum theory. A contextual theoretical and experimental investigation of these processes, which may represent the basic difference between the classical and the quantum worlds, can reveal in a unifying manner the detailed structure of quantum information. It may also enlighten the yet little explored interconnections of fundamental axiomatic properties within the deep structure of quantum mechanics. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Ta, 03.65.UdComment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Distributivity breaking and macroscopic quantum games

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    Examples of games between two partners with mixed strategies, calculated by the use of the probability amplitude as some vector in Hilbert space are given. The games are macroscopic, no microscopic quantum agent is supposed. The reason for the use of the quantum formalism is in breaking of the distributivity property for the lattice of yes-no questions arising due to the special rules of games. The rules of the games suppose two parts: the preparation and measurement. In the first part due to use of the quantum logical orthocomplemented non-distributive lattice the partners freely choose the wave functions as descriptions of their strategies. The second part consists of classical games described by Boolean sublattices of the initial non-Boolean lattice with same strategies which were chosen in the first part. Examples of games for spin one half are given. New Nash equilibria are found for some cases. Heisenberg uncertainty relations without the Planck constant are written for the "spin one half game"

    Quantum Theory and Human Perception of the Macro-World

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    We investigate the question of 'why customary macroscopic entities appear to us humans as they do, i.e. as bounded entities occupying space and persisting through time', starting from our knowledge of quantum theory, how it affects the behavior of such customary macroscopic entities, and how it influences our perception of them. For this purpose, we approach the question from three perspectives. Firstly, we look at the situation from the standard quantum angle, more specifically the de Broglie wavelength analysis of the behavior of macroscopic entities, indicate how a problem with spin and identity arises, and illustrate how both play a fundamental role in well-established experimental quantum-macroscopical phenomena, such as Bose-Einstein condensates. Secondly, we analyze how the question is influenced by our result in axiomatic quantum theory, which proves that standard quantum theory is structurally incapable of describing separated entities. Thirdly, we put forward our new 'conceptual quantum interpretation', including a highly detailed reformulation of the question to confront the new insights and views that arise with the foregoing analysis. At the end of the final section, a nuanced answer is given that can be summarized as follows. The specific and very classical perception of human seeing -- light as a geometric theory -- and human touching -- only ruled by Pauli's exclusion principle -- plays a role in our perception of macroscopic entities as ontologically stable entities in space. To ascertain quantum behavior in such macroscopic entities, we will need measuring apparatuses capable of its detection. Future experimental research will have to show if sharp quantum effects -- as they occur in smaller entities -- appear to be ontological aspects of customary macroscopic entities.Comment: 28 page

    The 'Chemical Mechanics' of the Periodic Table

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