3 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient Axiom Pinpointing of EL+ Ontologies

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    The EL family of Description Logics (DLs) has been the subject of interest in recent years. On the one hand, these DLs are tractable, but fairly inexpressive. On the other hand, these DLs can be used for designing different classes of ontologies, most notably ontologies from the medical domain. Unfortunately, building ontologies is error-prone. As a result, inferable subsumption relations among concepts may be unintended. In recent years, the problem of axiom pinpointing has been studied with the purpose of providing minimal sets of axioms that explain unintended subsumption relations. For the concrete case of EL and EL+, the most efficient approaches consist of encoding the problem into propositional logic, specifically as a Horn formula, which is then analyzed with a dedicated algorithm. This paper builds on this earlier work, but exploits the important relationship between minimal axioms sets and minimal unsatisfiable subformulas in the propositional domain. In turn, this relationship allows applying a vast body of recent work in the propositional domain to the concrete case of axiom pinpointing for EL and its variants. From a practical perspective, the algorithms described in this paper are often several orders of magnitude more efficient that the current state of the art in axiom pinpointing for the EL family of DLs

    Efficient MUS Enumeration of Horn Formulae with Applications to Axiom Pinpointing

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    The enumeration of minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MUSes) finds a growing number of practical applications, that includes a wide range of diagnosis problems. As a concrete example, the problem of axiom pinpointing in the EL family of description logics (DLs) can be modeled as the enumeration of the group-MUSes of Horn formulae. In turn, axiom pinpointing for the EL family of DLs finds important applications, such as debugging medical ontologies, of which SNOMED CT is the best known example. The main contribution of this paper is to develop an efficient group-MUS enumerator for Horn formulae, HGMUS, that finds immediate application in axiom pinpointing for the EL family of DLs. In the process of developing HGMUS, the paper also identifies performance bottlenecks of existing solutions. The new algorithm is shown to outperform all alternative approaches when the problem domain targeted by group-MUS enumeration of Horn formulae is axiom pinpointing for the EL family of DLs, with a representative suite of examples taken from different medical ontologies

    Axiom Pinpointing Using an Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance System

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    The problem of axiom pinpointing [1, 22], that is, finding the minimal set of axioms responsible for an unwanted consequence, is an important problem in ontology debugging. One approach to identifying the axioms responsible for an unwanted consequence is to trace dependencies between inferences leading to the consequence. Several author