29,718 research outputs found

    Polynomial-time T-depth Optimization of Clifford+T circuits via Matroid Partitioning

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    Most work in quantum circuit optimization has been performed in isolation from the results of quantum fault-tolerance. Here we present a polynomial-time algorithm for optimizing quantum circuits that takes the actual implementation of fault-tolerant logical gates into consideration. Our algorithm re-synthesizes quantum circuits composed of Clifford group and T gates, the latter being typically the most costly gate in fault-tolerant models, e.g., those based on the Steane or surface codes, with the purpose of minimizing both T-count and T-depth. A major feature of the algorithm is the ability to re-synthesize circuits with additional ancillae to reduce T-depth at effectively no cost. The tested benchmarks show up to 65.7% reduction in T-count and up to 87.6% reduction in T-depth without ancillae, or 99.7% reduction in T-depth using ancillae.Comment: Version 2 contains substantial improvements and extensions to the previous version. We describe a new, more robust algorithm and achieve significantly improved experimental result

    GraphSE2^2: An Encrypted Graph Database for Privacy-Preserving Social Search

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    In this paper, we propose GraphSE2^2, an encrypted graph database for online social network services to address massive data breaches. GraphSE2^2 preserves the functionality of social search, a key enabler for quality social network services, where social search queries are conducted on a large-scale social graph and meanwhile perform set and computational operations on user-generated contents. To enable efficient privacy-preserving social search, GraphSE2^2 provides an encrypted structural data model to facilitate parallel and encrypted graph data access. It is also designed to decompose complex social search queries into atomic operations and realise them via interchangeable protocols in a fast and scalable manner. We build GraphSE2^2 with various queries supported in the Facebook graph search engine and implement a full-fledged prototype. Extensive evaluations on Azure Cloud demonstrate that GraphSE2^2 is practical for querying a social graph with a million of users.Comment: This is the full version of our AsiaCCS paper "GraphSE2^2: An Encrypted Graph Database for Privacy-Preserving Social Search". It includes the security proof of the proposed scheme. If you want to cite our work, please cite the conference version of i

    SAT based Enforcement of Domotic Effects in Smart Environments

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    The emergence of economically viable and efficient sensor technology provided impetus to the development of smart devices (or appliances). Modern smart environments are equipped with a multitude of smart devices and sensors, aimed at delivering intelligent services to the users of smart environments. The presence of these diverse smart devices has raised a major problem of managing environments. A rising solution to the problem is the modeling of user goals and intentions, and then interacting with the environments using user defined goals. `Domotic Effects' is a user goal modeling framework, which provides Ambient Intelligence (AmI) designers and integrators with an abstract layer that enables the definition of generic goals in a smart environment, in a declarative way, which can be used to design and develop intelligent applications. The high-level nature of domotic effects also allows the residents to program their personal space as they see fit: they can define different achievement criteria for a particular generic goal, e.g., by defining a combination of devices having some particular states, by using domain-specific custom operators. This paper describes an approach for the automatic enforcement of domotic effects in case of the Boolean application domain, suitable for intelligent monitoring and control in domotic environments. Effect enforcement is the ability to determine device configurations that can achieve a set of generic goals (domotic effects). The paper also presents an architecture to implement the enforcement of Boolean domotic effects, and results obtained from carried out experiments prove the feasibility of the proposed approach and highlight the responsiveness of the implemented effect enforcement architectur

    Multi-population methods with adaptive mutation for multi-modal optimization problems

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    open access journalThis paper presents an efficient scheme to locate multiple peaks on multi-modal optimization problems by using genetic algorithms (GAs). The premature convergence problem shows due to the loss of diversity, the multi-population technique can be applied to maintain the diversity in the population and the convergence capacity of GAs. The proposed scheme is the combination of multi-population with adaptive mutation operator, which determines two different mutation probabilities for different sites of the solutions. The probabilities are updated by the fitness and distribution of solutions in the search space during the evolution process. The experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm based on a set of benchmark problems in comparison with relevant algorithms

    Model checking Quantitative Linear Time Logic

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    This paper considers QLtl, a quantitative analagon of Ltl and presents algorithms for model checking QLtl over quantitative versions of Kripke structures and Markov chains

    Arbitrary boolean advertisements: the final step in supporting the boolean publish/subscribe model

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    Publish/subscribe systems allow for an efficient filtering of incoming information. This filtering is based on the specifications of subscriber interests, which are registered with the system as subscriptions. Publishers conversely specify advertisements, describing the messages they will send later on. What is missing so far is the support of arbitrary Boolean advertisements in publish/subscribe systems. Introducing the opportunity to specify these richer Boolean advertisements increases the accuracy of publishers to state their future messages compared to currently supported conjunctive advertisements. Thus, the amount of subscriptions forwarded in the network is reduced. Additionally, the system can more time efficiently decide whether a subscription needs to be forwarded and more space efficiently store and index advertisements. In this paper, we introduce a publish/subscribe system that supports arbitrary Boolean advertisements and, symmetrically, arbitrary Boolean subscriptions. We show the advantages of supporting arbitrary Boolean advertisements and present an algorithm to calculate the practically required overlapping relationship among subscriptions and advertisements. Additionally, we develop the first optimization approach for arbitrary Boolean advertisements, advertisement pruning. Advertisement pruning is tailored to optimize advertisements, which is a strong contrast to current optimizations for conjunctive advertisements. These recent proposals mainly apply subscription-based optimization ideas, which is leading to the same disadvantages. In the second part of this paper, our evaluation of practical experiments, we analyze the efficiency properties of our approach to determine the overlapping relationship. We also compare conjunctive solutions for the overlapping problem to our calculation algorithm to show its benefits. Finally, we present a detailed evaluation of the optimization potential of advertisement pruning. This includes the analysis of the effects of additionally optimizing subscriptions on the advertisement pruning optimization