5 research outputs found

    On the unimodality of independence polynomials of some graphs

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    In this paper we study unimodality problems for the independence polynomial of a graph, including unimodality, log-concavity and reality of zeros. We establish recurrence relations and give factorizations of independence polynomials for certain classes of graphs. As applications we settle some unimodality conjectures and problems.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric

    Upper tails and independence polynomials in random graphs

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    The upper tail problem in the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph GGn,pG\sim\mathcal{G}_{n,p} asks to estimate the probability that the number of copies of a graph HH in GG exceeds its expectation by a factor 1+δ1+\delta. Chatterjee and Dembo showed that in the sparse regime of p0p\to 0 as nn\to\infty with pnαp \geq n^{-\alpha} for an explicit α=αH>0\alpha=\alpha_H>0, this problem reduces to a natural variational problem on weighted graphs, which was thereafter asymptotically solved by two of the authors in the case where HH is a clique. Here we extend the latter work to any fixed graph HH and determine a function cH(δ)c_H(\delta) such that, for pp as above and any fixed δ>0\delta>0, the upper tail probability is exp[(cH(δ)+o(1))n2pΔlog(1/p)]\exp[-(c_H(\delta)+o(1))n^2 p^\Delta \log(1/p)], where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of HH. As it turns out, the leading order constant in the large deviation rate function, cH(δ)c_H(\delta), is governed by the independence polynomial of HH, defined as PH(x)=iH(k)xkP_H(x)=\sum i_H(k) x^k where iH(k)i_H(k) is the number of independent sets of size kk in HH. For instance, if HH is a regular graph on mm vertices, then cH(δ)c_H(\delta) is the minimum between 12δ2/m\frac12 \delta^{2/m} and the unique positive solution of PH(x)=1+δP_H(x) = 1+\delta