6 research outputs found

    Self-Stabilizing Balancing Algorithm for Containment-Based Trees

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    Containment-based trees encompass various handy structures such as B+-trees, R-trees and M-trees. They are widely used to build data indexes, range-queryable overlays, publish/subscribe systems both in centralized and distributed contexts. In addition to their versatility, their balanced shape ensures an overall satisfactory performance. Re- cently, it has been shown that their distributed implementations can be fault-resilient. However, this robustness is achieved at the cost of un-balancing the structure. While the structure remains correct in terms of searchability, its performance can be significantly decreased. In this paper, we propose a distributed self-stabilizing algorithm to balance containment-based trees

    Distributed stabilizing data structures

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    Distributed algorithms aim to achieve better performance than sequential algorithms in terms of time complexity (or asymptotic time complexity) while keeping or lowering the memory requirement (space complexity) in a node. (In sequential algorithms, the memory requirement is the memory requirement of the algorithm itself.); Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms aim to achieve a comparable performance to non-stabilizing distributed algorithms when transient faults or arbitrary initialization cause the system to enter a state where a non-stabilizing algorithm cannot continue to properly perform its task; Transient faults can affect an existing data structure and alter its data content. As a result, the data structure may lose its properties, and the operations defined over the data structure will have unpredictable and undesirable results, making the data structure unusable; We present several self or snap-stabilizing algorithms for particular data structures; We propose an optimal self-stabilizing distributed algorithm for simultaneously activating non-adjacent processes on an oriented chain (Algorithm SSDS ). We use Algorithm SSDS to accomplish two tasks: local mutual exclusion and line sorting. We propose two uniform, self-stabilizing, deterministic protocols on oriented chains: a time and space optimal solution to the local mutual exclusion problem (Algorithm LMEC ), and a space and (asymptotic) time optimal solution to the distributed sorting problem (Algorithm SORTc ); We extend Algorithm SSDS to an asynchronous oriented ring with a distinguished node with some minor modifications, and we obtain general self-stabilization for simultaneously activated non-adjacent processes in an oriented ring with a distinguished process (Algorithm SSDSR ). We use Algorithm SSDSR to accomplish two tasks: local resource allocation and ring sorting. We propose two uniform, self-stabilizing, deterministic protocols on oriented rings: a time and space optimal solution to the local resource allocation problem (Algorithm LRAR ), and a space and (asymptotic) time optimal solution to the distributed sorting problem (Algorithm SORTr ); We extend Algorithm SSDS to an asynchronous rooted tree, and we obtain general self-stabilization for simultaneously activated non-adjacent processes in a rooted tree (Algorithm SSDST ). We then give two applications of Algorithm SSDST : a time and space optimal solution to the local mutual exclusion problem (Algorithm LMET ) and a space and (asymptotically) time optimal solution to the min heap problem (Algorithm HEAP ); In proving the time complexity of sorting, we introduce the notion of pseudo-time, similar to logical time introduced by Lamport; We present the first snap-stabilizing distributed binary search tree (BST) algorithm. The proposed algorithm uses a heap algorithm (Algorithm Heap) as a preprocessing step. This is also the first snap-stabilizing distributed solution to the heap problem