14 research outputs found

    MARF: Modular Audio Recognition Framework (in French)

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    Le Modular Audio Recognition Framework (MARF) concu en 2002, est une plateforme de recherche open-source et une collection de composants avec des algorithmes pour le traitement de la voix, le son, la parole, et l'écriture et de langues naturelles (TALN) MARF a été crée en Java et organisé sous forme de modules extensible qui facilite l'addition de nouvelles algorithmes. MARF peut être utilisé comme une bibliothèque dans un application ou comme une base de support à l'apprentisage et en extension. MARF a aussi été publié dans les plusieurs articles de conférence avec les detailles scientifiques dedant. De la documentation détaillée et la référence d'API en format javadoc sont disponibles étant donné que le projet tente d'être bien-documenté. MARF et ses applications sont déployés sous une licence BSD

    Towards a Self-Forensics Property in the ASSL Toolset

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    This preliminary conceptual work discusses a notion of self-forensics as an autonomic property to augment the Autonomic System Specification Language (ASSL) framework of formal specification tools for autonomic systems. The core of the proposed methodology leverages existing designs, theoretical results, and implementing systems to enable rapid completion of and validation of the experiments and their the results initiated in this work. Specifically, we leverage the ASSL toolkit to add the self-forensics autonomic property (SFAP) to enable generation of the Java-based Object-Oriented Intensional Programming (JOOIP) language code laced with traces of Forensic Lucid to encode contextual forensic evidence and other expressions


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    This document records the final programs for each of the 9 meetings of the C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, C 3S2E which were organized in various locations on three continents. The papers published during these years are accessible from the digital librariy of ACM(2008-2016

    Toward Refactoring of DMARF and GIPSY Case Studies – a Team 3 SOEN6471-S14 Project Report

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    The software architecture of a system is an illustration of the system which supports the understanding of the behaviour of the system. The architecture aids as the blueprint of the system, defining the work obligations which must be conceded by design and implementation teams. It is an artifact for early enquiry to make sure that a design methodology will produce a standard system. This paper depicts the software architecture and design of two frameworks DMARF and GIPSY. Primarily it inaugurates a comprehensive understanding of the frameworks and their applications. DMARF is high-volume processing of recorded audio, textual, or imagery data for pattern recognition and biometric forensic analysis, whereas GIPSY system provides a platform for a distributed multi-tier demand driven evaluation of heterogeneous programs. Secondly, the paper illustrates the use of several tools for the code analysis for both platforms and provides the outcome of the analysis. Thirdly, it establishes the architecture and design of the systems. Fourthly, it fuses the architecture for both the systems into one. The paper ends with depicting properties like code smells and refactoring to improve code quality for the frameworks