1 research outputs found

    Two Studies on The Use of Information Technology in Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR)

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    In the 1st study, I seek to determine whether there are trends in the coverage of the use of Information Technology in CPFR in support of Supply Chain Management. I look at the way technology is studied along two dimensions. The first dimension is the function within CPFR—Planning, Forecasting or Replenishment. The second dimension is level at which the study addresses use of the technology, whether at the Operational, Tactical or Strategic level. Within this 3x3 matrix, I seek to prove that studies would primarily fall along a line where the higher the level functions should be served by systems which have a longer-term orientation. This was broadly true, along with an emphasis on studies at the strategic level. Additionally, I find an underrepresentation of Forecasting, especially at the strategic level. The 2nd study seeks to determine the factors affecting IT system use for CPFR, in the real world. I examine the factors affecting system use along two dimensions. The first is along the company-level dimension. There are 3 points along the company-level dimension, defined as follows. Strategic use is defined as use by upper level management who are interested in the long term view of the organization and its processes and products. The Tactical use of IT for CPFR includes use by middle managers at a departmental level for medium term decision making. Operational level IT use covers functions which directly affect individual customers and keep the business running day to day. The second dimension along which system use is examined, is the functional-dimension. There are 3 points along this dimension and they are defined as follows. Use of IT for Planning, based on the VICS standard, is usually, but not exclusively under the purview of senior managers to determine what products to manufacture and the features they should have. Forecasting is done mainly by middle-managers in order to move enough products at the right time, to the right paces, while avoiding over-stocking each product. The Replenishment function is the actual process of moving items to the customer as they are ordered on-line or bought from the shelf. This is typically the job of operational logistics personnel such as purchasing and, shipping and delivery, as well as front-line staff such as customer service, shop-floor attendants or cashiers who interface directly with customers. In examining real world IT use for CPFR, I build on Simmonds, Haines & Li (2013) which looks at the trends and gaps in the IT literature as far as use of IT in CPFR was concerned. The aim is to determine whether the literature lines up with reality, or whether researchers are inherently biased when studying how Information Technology is used to support CPFR. A survey instrument was sent to 4000 senior managers in manufacturing and distribution companies. IT use along the STO dimension (Haines, Hough, & Haines, 2010) and its relationship with Industry characteristics (clock-speed of the industry and technological orientation) will be investigated in the context of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Fred D. Davis, 1989). Product factors (such as demand variability & luxury nature of the product) which drive IT use (Attaran & Attaran, 2007) along the PFR dimension will be investigated in the context of Technology Task Fit Theory (Goodhue & Thompson, 1995). Intra-firm trust (Frazier, Johnson, Gavin, Gooty, & Bradley Snow, 2010) and its effect on use on the PFR dimension, will be looked at with managerial influence within Innovation Diffusion theory (Rogers, 2010) as a basis. Trust issues including confidence of management in competence of workers and confidence of employees in dependability of IT