3 research outputs found

    Application of Structural Similarity Analysis of Visually Salient Areas and Hierarchical Clustering in the Screening of Similar Wireless Capsule Endoscopic Images

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    Small intestinal capsule endoscopy is the mainstream method for inspecting small intestinal lesions,but a single small intestinal capsule endoscopy will produce 60,000 - 120,000 images, the majority of which are similar and have no diagnostic value. It takes 2 - 3 hours for doctors to identify lesions from these images. This is time-consuming and increase the probability of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis since doctors are likely to experience visual fatigue while focusing on a large number of similar images for an extended period of time.In order to solve these problems, we proposed a similar wireless capsule endoscope (WCE) image screening method based on structural similarity analysis and the hierarchical clustering of visually salient sub-image blocks. The similarity clustering of images was automatically identified by hierarchical clustering based on the hue,saturation,value (HSV) spatial color characteristics of the images,and the keyframe images were extracted based on the structural similarity of the visually salient sub-image blocks, in order to accurately identify and screen out similar small intestinal capsule endoscopic images. Subsequently, the proposed method was applied to the capsule endoscope imaging workstation. After screening out similar images in the complete data gathered by the Type I OMOM Small Intestinal Capsule Endoscope from 52 cases covering 17 common types of small intestinal lesions, we obtained a lesion recall of 100% and an average similar image reduction ratio of 76%. With similar images screened out, the average play time of the OMOM image workstation was 18 minutes, which greatly reduced the time spent by doctors viewing the images

    Lesion2Vec: Deep Metric Learning for Few-Shot Multiple Lesions Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video

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    Effective and rapid detection of lesions in the Gastrointestinal tract is critical to gastroenterologist's response to some life-threatening diseases. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) has revolutionized traditional endoscopy procedure by allowing gastroenterologists visualize the entire GI tract non-invasively. Once the tiny capsule is swallowed, it sequentially capture images of the GI tract at about 2 to 6 frames per second (fps). A single video can last up to 8 hours producing between 30,000 to 100,000 images. Automating the detection of frames containing specific lesion in WCE video would relieve gastroenterologists the arduous task of reviewing the entire video before making diagnosis. While the WCE produces large volume of images, only about 5\% of the frames contain lesions that aid the diagnosis process. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models have been very successful in various image classification tasks. However, they suffer excessive parameters, are sample inefficient and rely on very large amount of training data. Deploying a CNN classifier for lesion detection task will require time-to-time fine-tuning to generalize to any unforeseen category. In this paper, we propose a metric-based learning framework followed by a few-shot lesion recognition in WCE data. Metric-based learning is a meta-learning framework designed to establish similarity or dissimilarity between concepts while few-shot learning (FSL) aims to identify new concepts from only a small number of examples. We train a feature extractor to learn a representation for different small bowel lesions using metric-based learning. At the testing stage, the category of an unseen sample is predicted from only a few support examples, thereby allowing the model to generalize to a new category that has never been seen before. We demonstrated the efficacy of this method on real patient capsule endoscopy data

    Survey of Computer Vision and Machine Learning in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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    This paper attempts to provide the reader a place to begin studying the application of computer vision and machine learning to gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. They have been classified into 18 categories. It should be be noted by the reader that this is a review from pre-deep learning era. A lot of deep learning based applications have not been covered in this thesis