15 research outputs found


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    The identification of fingerprints in the security information system is investigated. Fingerprints were performed, papillae thinning was performed, Sherlock and Monroe fields were oriented, Ateb-Gabor filtration was performed, and three-dimensional Ateb-Gabor properties were investigated for different rational parameters. Their effect on filtering and subsequently on identification has been identified. Ateb-Habor filtering for biometric prints is applied, which greatly expands classic filtering by introducing a wider set of filters and providing a holistic approach to identification. The skeleton was made using the Hilditch algorithm. The next step is to create guide fields using the method suggested by Sherlock and Monroe in forming the direction of the papillary lines. Uses a spine / nine pixel average. It simulates a sensor with a resolution of 500 dpi. Frequency in areas decreases depending on position. The Hilditch algorithm generates a vector image. This is an image of a loaded graph - that is, found endpoints, intersections of the top of the graph, and lines and arcsДосліджується ідентифікація відбитків пальців в інформаційній системі безпеки. Здійснювали відбитки пальців, проводили проріджування сосочків, орієнтували поля Шерлока та Монро, проводили фільтрацію Атеба-Габора, досліджували тривимірні властивості Атеба-Габора для різних раціональних параметрів. Виявлено їх вплив на фільтрацію та згодом на ідентифікацію. Застосовується фільтрування Ateb-Habor для біометричних відбитків, що значно розширює класичну фільтрацію шляхом впровадження більш широкого набору фільтрів і надання комплексного підходу до ідентифікації. Скелет був виконаний за допомогою алгоритму Hilditch. Наступним кроком є створення напрямних полів, використовуючи метод, запропонований Шерлоком та Монро при формуванні поля напрямку папілярних ліній. Використовується середній рівень хребта / дев’ять пікселів. Це імітує датчик з роздільчою здатністю 500 dpi. Частота в областях зменшується в залежності від положення. Алгоритм Hilditch генерує векторне зображення. Це зображення у вигляді завантаженого графіка - тобто знайдених кінцевих точок, точок перетину верхньої частини графіка та ліній та ду

    Performance Measure Of Industrial Robotics In Lean Enterprise: A Case Study In Semiconductor Industry

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    Industrial robotics replaced human workers in almost all fields due to their abilities to multitask, flexibility and configurability in any position they involved in. However, implementing industrial robotics is challenging due to their high cost, expert handling, and complexity. The object of this study is to determine the performance measurement using the QCDAC method or (quality, cost, delivery, accountability and continual improvement) then categorized according to lean principles and then identifying seven main areas that the industrial robotics contributes in the semi-conductor company. The performance identification and ranking is done by using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology to identify the most affected performance of the model and to clarify the industrial robotics performance in these areas in which the industrial robotics fit and compatible with the lean enterprise. Human- robot interaction considered to guarantee the workers' safety working alongside industrial robotics. The result of the ISM method shows the performance measure that affects the industrial robotics to support lean enterprise in terms of quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency

    Women Micro And Small Business Sustainability In Malaysia Through Microcredit

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    Micro and small enterprises sustainability. An explorative case study was conducted through semi interviews with 22 of women borrowers who received loan from Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) since three years in Selangor. We find that the majority of women who received loan three years ago have successfully operated their micro and small enterprises. However, they still suffer of sustainability and the majority of them still in the infant stage. There are many causes that affect the sustainability of women micro and small enterprises such as lack of product diversity and the inflexible of the implementation process of loan disbursement and repayment. Therefore, re-innovate AIM product as well as process is an important factor for women small business sustainability. In addition, control market competition and protect micro businesses is another important factor towards sustainability

    An Evaluation Of Proposed Readability Formula In Malay Language

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    Based on discussions with counsellor at Kolej Komuniti Jasin, Melaka, we have found that most of young adults in Malaysia particularly students at Higher Education Institutions and TVET Colleges have a poor learning problem especially in reading and writing. This paper presents findings driven from an evaluation conducted in a field study on reading assessment using SPIKE. SPIKE or Sistem Kebolehbacaan Bahasa Melayu is a Malay readability test tool that can evaluate the readability competencies of a reader. SPIKE allows the teachers to screen students who may struggle to read and help to formulate action plans for specific forms of learning and interventions to enable them to obtain their academic qualifications. Results obtained has indicated that the tool can benefit general public as well as people with reading difficulties (including dyslexics) in measuring their reading competencies and the readability level of a reading material whether it is suitable for the reader’s age. For future work, it is expected that this tool will help to increase the accuracy of measuring reading competencies of readers and be able to assist readers who have difficulties in reading by knowing the score level of their reading materials in Malay. It also can benefit them in upgrading young adults’ academic performance

    Graphene Coatings Technology On Tribology Perspective

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    Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon allotrope that has developed as an extraordinarily flexible material and has gotten overall consideration on the 21st century. In this concise survey, we have exhibited a portion of the ongoing disclosure of carbon-based materials especially graphene. This paper additionally examined the graphene developing technique that was directed by past research and concentrating on the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) strategy. The tribologicalconduct of graphene at full scale were likewise talked about dependent on past investigation concentrating on the wear and coefficient of grating. A review of full scale tribological properties of broadly utilized strong greases including Diamond like Carbon (DLC), graphite, shapeless carbon, Ultrananochrystalline precious stone, and furthermore graphene oxide were likewise talked about. Outline of the collaboration between steel-to-steel contact and steel tographite/graphene/graphene oxide were additionally talked about. It was discovered that the graphene had the best execution even contrasted with the business graphite due with its capacity to wipe out erosion. This paper closed with the future prospect for graphene as application to different fields. The brilliance tribological conduct of graphene had guaranteed its future towards this field as covering materials and oil added substances. In different fields, graphene has possibilities in electronic and optical. By the by, look into around there is still in an early improvement stage and considerably more work is expected to understand graphene's innovative potential

    The Challenges And Contribution Of Internet Of Things (IoT) For Smart Living

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    The evolution of Internet and advanced in ICT had led to the increasingly usage of Internet of Things (IoT) in various sectors and facilitated borderless connection in various fields. Contextualised within the development of Smart City, much have been reported on the challenges and contribution of using of IoT for smart living. This paper presents a review of the challenges and contribution of using IoT for smart living. Using a systematic method to analyse the literature, 31 articles have been selected for the review. It was found that the contributions of IoT surpass the challenges of using IoT. Two significant contributions have been identified, which are facilitating communication and improving safety as well as improving quality of life. Meanwhile, the main challenges of IoT implementation are issues related to security and privacy. It was also found that there is a lack of information related to the ways to overcome the challenges, although the challenges were discussed in length. This review provides an overview of the adoption of IoT for Smart Living, focusing on its challenges and contribution

    State-Of-The-Art In Image Clustering Based On Affinity Propagation

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    Proclivity spread (AP) is a productive unsupervised grouping technique, which display a quick execution speed and discover bunches in a low mistake rate. AP calculation takes as info a similitude network that comprise of genuine esteemed likenesses between information focuses. The strategy iteratively trades genuine esteemed messages between sets of information focuses until a decent arrangement of models developed. The development of the comparability network dependent on the Euclidean separation is a significant stage during the time spent AP. Appropriately, the conventional Euclidean separation which is the summation of the pixel-wise force contrasts perform beneath normal when connected for picture grouping, as it endures of being reasonable to exceptions and even to little misshapening in pictures. Studies should be done on different methodologies from existing investigations especially in the field of picture grouping with different datasets. In this way, a sensible picture closeness metric will be researched to suite with datasets in the picture clustering field. As an end, changing the comparability lattice will prompt a superior clustering results

    A Model For Manufacturing Sustainability In Manufacturing Operations

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    This Economically, environmentally, and societally are the integrated three pillars of sustainability. Thus, it is important for manufacturing companies to recognise the elements of sustainability in their operations. To this date, there is still a lack of studies on the fundamental elements of sustainability in the context of manufacturing operations. Therefore, this study aims to develop a model of MS in manufacturing operations. A thorough statistical analysis on literature review of sustainability that is relevant to manufacturing operations was done in order to determine the fundamental elements of MS. Pareto 80-20 rule was applied in determining the most significant fundamental elements of MS. As a result, a model of MS has been developed based on the concept of Input-Output system (I-O system) in manufacturing that consist of three major paths: (i) Input, (ii) Process, and, (iii) Output. Here, the fundamental elements of MS are categorised by the major path. In this case, the fundamental elements are divided into four different paths: (i) Sustainability Drivers as the input, (ii) Sustainability Enablers and (iii) Sustainability Measures as the process/operation, and (iv) Sustainability Impacts as the output

    Vacuum System Assisted Fdm – Characteristic Of Heat Transfer Using Finite Element Analysis

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    Fused deposition modeling (FDM) process is one of the most efficient and used additive manufacturing technologies. For years, building functional components with good mechanical strength has been a difficult task. Generally, FDM process is operated in a room with or without an enclosure to produce physical polymer components. Therefore, the inconsistencies from different environmental factor such as temperature and air quality have indirectly affected its quality build. Vacuum technology has been used in the wide area of applications by creating an empty space of matter. However, there is no investigation of FDM operated in a vacuum environment. This paper aims to study the behaviour of the temperature inside a vacuum assisted FDM by performing finite element analysis. A heated nozzle and heated bed will be placed inside a vacuum chamber with a constant heat source and the initial temperature set at room temperature. The pressure range from 30 inHg (1 atm) to 1 inHg will be the manipulated variable. The result shows that as the pressure decreases, the transient heat transfer (natural convective heating) also reduced and the velocity of air flow became more consistent. This study was able to prove how different vacuum pressures can affect the heat inside a vacuum chamber. Results from this study can be used to further analyse the mechanical strength of vacuumed printed components in actual experimentation

    Social Media Usage And Its Impact On Work Productivity At A Malaysian University

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    The ubiquity of social media at the workplace has motivated researchers to investigate its contribution to the work performance among employees. However, an investigation of this phenomena at a learning institution in Malaysia is still non-existence. Thus, this study aimed to explore the perceived impact of using social media to work productivity among employees at a particular university. A focus group interview among nine employees consisting of different job scope at an academic centre of a particular university has been conducted. Data were transcribed, coded and categorised using Nvivo Pro 11 software. The finding of this study showed the common social media used by the respondents are Whatsapp followed by email, Facebook, Youtube and Google via smartphone and desktop for work, notification and reminder purposes. Respondents highlighted the positive and negative impacts of using social media which affect their job productivity and showed different perceptions toward the relationship between the reasons of using social media and staff productivity. The findings were limited to a particular context hence generalising them to other context need to be done with caution. Further, this study can be considered as a preliminary study to gain further understanding of the impact of social media to work productivity