32,232 research outputs found

    Fuzzy C-Mean And Genetic Algorithms Based Scheduling For Independent Jobs In Computational Grid

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    The concept of Grid computing is becoming the most important research area in the high performance computing. Under this concept, the jobs scheduling in Grid computing has more complicated problems to discover a diversity of available resources, select the appropriate applications and map to suitable resources. However, the major problem is the optimal job scheduling, which Grid nodes need to allocate the appropriate resources for each job. In this paper, we combine Fuzzy C-Mean and Genetic Algorithms which are popular algorithms, the Grid can be used for scheduling. Our model presents the method of the jobs classifications based mainly on Fuzzy C-Mean algorithm and mapping the jobs to the appropriate resources based mainly on Genetic algorithm. In the experiments, we used the workload historical information and put it into our simulator. We get the better result when compared to the traditional algorithms for scheduling policies. Finally, the paper also discusses approach of the jobs classifications and the optimization engine in Grid scheduling

    Entropy and Graph Based Modelling of Document Coherence using Discourse Entities: An Application

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    We present two novel models of document coherence and their application to information retrieval (IR). Both models approximate document coherence using discourse entities, e.g. the subject or object of a sentence. Our first model views text as a Markov process generating sequences of discourse entities (entity n-grams); we use the entropy of these entity n-grams to approximate the rate at which new information appears in text, reasoning that as more new words appear, the topic increasingly drifts and text coherence decreases. Our second model extends the work of Guinaudeau & Strube [28] that represents text as a graph of discourse entities, linked by different relations, such as their distance or adjacency in text. We use several graph topology metrics to approximate different aspects of the discourse flow that can indicate coherence, such as the average clustering or betweenness of discourse entities in text. Experiments with several instantiations of these models show that: (i) our models perform on a par with two other well-known models of text coherence even without any parameter tuning, and (ii) reranking retrieval results according to their coherence scores gives notable performance gains, confirming a relation between document coherence and relevance. This work contributes two novel models of document coherence, the application of which to IR complements recent work in the integration of document cohesiveness or comprehensibility to ranking [5, 56]

    Fast Mesh Refinement in Pseudospectral Optimal Control

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    Mesh refinement in pseudospectral (PS) optimal control is embarrassingly easy --- simply increase the order NN of the Lagrange interpolating polynomial and the mathematics of convergence automates the distribution of the grid points. Unfortunately, as NN increases, the condition number of the resulting linear algebra increases as N2N^2; hence, spectral efficiency and accuracy are lost in practice. In this paper, we advance Birkhoff interpolation concepts over an arbitrary grid to generate well-conditioned PS optimal control discretizations. We show that the condition number increases only as N\sqrt{N} in general, but is independent of NN for the special case of one of the boundary points being fixed. Hence, spectral accuracy and efficiency are maintained as NN increases. The effectiveness of the resulting fast mesh refinement strategy is demonstrated by using \underline{polynomials of over a thousandth order} to solve a low-thrust, long-duration orbit transfer problem.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, JGCD April 201