7 research outputs found

    Automatic topic segmentation and labeling in multiparty dialogue

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    This study concerns how to segment a scenario-driven multiparty dialogue and how to label these segments automatically. We apply approaches that have been proposed for identifying topic boundaries at a coarser level to the problem of identifying agenda-based topic boundaries in scenario-based meetings. We also develop conditional models to classify segments into topic classes. Experiments in topic segmentation show that a supervised classification approach that combines lexical and conversational features outperforms the unsupervised lexical chain-based approach, achieving 20% and 12% improvement on segmentating top-level and sub-topic segments respectively. Experiments in topic classification suggest that it is possible to automatically categorize segments into appropriate topic classes given only the transcripts. Training with features selected using the Log Likelihood ratio improves the results by 13.3%

    Generating Abstractive Summaries from Meeting Transcripts

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    Summaries of meetings are very important as they convey the essential content of discussions in a concise form. Generally, it is time consuming to read and understand the whole documents. Therefore, summaries play an important role as the readers are interested in only the important context of discussions. In this work, we address the task of meeting document summarization. Automatic summarization systems on meeting conversations developed so far have been primarily extractive, resulting in unacceptable summaries that are hard to read. The extracted utterances contain disfluencies that affect the quality of the extractive summaries. To make summaries much more readable, we propose an approach to generating abstractive summaries by fusing important content from several utterances. We first separate meeting transcripts into various topic segments, and then identify the important utterances in each segment using a supervised learning approach. The important utterances are then combined together to generate a one-sentence summary. In the text generation step, the dependency parses of the utterances in each segment are combined together to create a directed graph. The most informative and well-formed sub-graph obtained by integer linear programming (ILP) is selected to generate a one-sentence summary for each topic segment. The ILP formulation reduces disfluencies by leveraging grammatical relations that are more prominent in non-conversational style of text, and therefore generates summaries that is comparable to human-written abstractive summaries. Experimental results show that our method can generate more informative summaries than the baselines. In addition, readability assessments by human judges as well as log-likelihood estimates obtained from the dependency parser show that our generated summaries are significantly readable and well-formed.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, DocEng' 201

    Recognition and Understanding of Meetings The AMI and AMIDA Projects

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    The AMI and AMIDA projects are concerned with the recognition and interpretation of multiparty meetings. Within these projects we have: developed an infrastructure for recording meetings using multiple microphones and cameras; released a 100 hour annotated corpus of meetings; developed techniques for the recognition and interpretation of meetings based primarily on speech recognition and computer vision; and developed an evaluation framework at both component and system levels. In this paper we present an overview of these projects, with an emphasis on speech recognition and content extraction

    Spoken content retrieval: A survey of techniques and technologies

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    Speech media, that is, digital audio and video containing spoken content, has blossomed in recent years. Large collections are accruing on the Internet as well as in private and enterprise settings. This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval. Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR). SCR research initially investigated planned speech structured in document-like units, but has subsequently shifted focus to more informal spoken content produced spontaneously, outside of the studio and in conversational settings. This survey provides an overview of the field of SCR encompassing component technologies, the relationship of SCR to text IR and automatic speech recognition and user interaction issues. It is aimed at researchers with backgrounds in speech technology or IR who are seeking deeper insight on how these fields are integrated to support research and development, thus addressing the core challenges of SCR

    An Exploratory Assessment Of Small Group Performance Leveraging Motion Dynamics With Optical Flow

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    Understanding team behaviors and dynamics are important to better understand and foster better teamwork. The goal of this master\u27s thesis was to contribute to understanding and assessing teamwork in small group research, by analyzing motion dynamics and team performance with non-contact sensing and computational assessment. This thesis\u27s goal is to conduct an exploratory analysis of motion dynamics on teamwork data to understand current limitations in data gathering approaches and provide a methodology to automatically categorize, label, and code team metrics from multi-modal data. We created a coding schema that analyzed different teamwork datasets. We then produced a taxonomy of the metrics from the literature that classify teamwork behaviors and performance. These metrics were grouped on whether they measured communication dynamics or movement dynamics. The review showed movement dynamics in small group research is a potential area to apply more robust computational sensing and detection approaches. To enhance and demonstrate the importance of motion dynamics, we analyzed video and transcript data on a publicly available multi-modal dataset. We determined areas for future study where movement dynamics are potentially correlated to team behaviors and performance. We processed the video data into movement dynamic time series data using an optical flow approach to track and measure motion from the data. Audio data was measured by speaking turns, words used, and keywords used, which were defined as our communication dynamics. Our exploratory analysis demonstrated a correlation between the group performance score using communication dynamics metrics, along with movement dynamics metrics. This assessment provided insights for sensing data capture strategies and computational analysis for future small group research studies

    Automatic social role recognition and its application in structuring multiparty interactions

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    Automatic processing of multiparty interactions is a research domain with important applications in content browsing, summarization and information retrieval. In recent years, several works have been devoted to find regular patterns which speakers exhibit in a multiparty interaction also known as social roles. Most of the research in literature has generally focused on recognition of scenario specific formal roles. More recently, role coding schemes based on informal social roles have been proposed in literature, defining roles based on the behavior speakers have in the functioning of a small group interaction. Informal social roles represent a flexible classification scheme that can generalize across different scenarios of multiparty interaction. In this thesis, we focus on automatic recognition of informal social roles and exploit the influence of informal social roles on speaker behavior for structuring multiparty interactions. To model speaker behavior, we systematically explore various verbal and non verbal cues extracted from turn taking patterns, vocal expression and linguistic style. The influence of social roles on the behavior cues exhibited by a speaker is modeled using a discriminative approach based on conditional random fields. Experiments performed on several hours of meeting data reveal that classification using conditional random fields improves the role recognition performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating it on previously unseen scenarios of multiparty interaction. Furthermore, we also consider whether formal roles and informal roles can be automatically predicted by the same verbal and nonverbal features. We exploit the influence of social roles on turn taking patterns to improve speaker diarization under distant microphone condition. Our work extends the Hidden Markov model (HMM)- Gaussian mixture model (GMM) speaker diarization system, and is based on jointly estimating both the speaker segmentation and social roles in an audio recording. We modify the minimum duration constraint in HMM-GMM diarization system by using role information to model the expected duration of speaker's turn. We also use social role n-grams as prior information to model speaker interaction patterns. Finally, we demonstrate the application of social roles for the problem of topic segmentation in meetings. We exploit our findings that social roles can dynamically change in conversations and use this information to predict topic changes in meetings. We also present an unsupervised method for topic segmentation which combines social roles and lexical cohesion. Experimental results show that social roles improve performance of both speaker diarization and topic segmentation


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    This study concerns how to segment a scenario-driven multiparty dialogue and how to label these segments automatically. We apply approaches that have been proposed for identifying topic boundaries at a coarser level to the problem of identifying agenda-based topic boundaries in scenario-based meetings. We also develop conditional models to classify segments into topic classes. Experiments in topic segmentation show that a supervised classification approach that combines lexical and conversational features outperforms the unsupervised lexical chain-based approach, achieving 20 % and 12% improvement on segmentating top-level and sub-topic segments respectively. Experiments in topic classification suggest that it is possible to automatically categorize segments into appropriate topic classes given only the transcripts. Training with features selected using the Log Likelihood ratio improves the results by 13.3%. 1