228 research outputs found

    Automatic Search of Differential Path in MD4

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    In 2004, Wang et al. obtained breakthrough collision attacks on the main hash functions from the MD4 family. The attacks are differential attacks in which one closely follows the inner steps of the underlying compression function, based on a so-called differential path. It is generally assumed that such differential paths were found ``by hand\u27\u27. In this paper, we present an algorithm which automatically finds suitable differential paths, in the case of MD4. As a first application, we obtain new differential paths for MD4, which improve upon previously known MD4 differential paths. This algorithm could be used to find new differential paths, and to build new attacks against MD4

    Translation of Algorithmic Descriptions of Discrete Functions to SAT with Applications to Cryptanalysis Problems

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    In the present paper, we propose a technology for translating algorithmic descriptions of discrete functions to SAT. The proposed technology is aimed at applications in algebraic cryptanalysis. We describe how cryptanalysis problems are reduced to SAT in such a way that it should be perceived as natural by the cryptographic community. In~the theoretical part of the paper we justify the main principles of general reduction to SAT for discrete functions from a class containing the majority of functions employed in cryptography. Then, we describe the Transalg software tool developed based on these principles with SAT-based cryptanalysis specifics in mind. We demonstrate the results of applications of Transalg to construction of a number of attacks on various cryptographic functions. Some of the corresponding attacks are state of the art. We compare the functional capabilities of the proposed tool with that of other domain-specific software tools which can be used to reduce cryptanalysis problems to SAT, and also with the CBMC system widely employed in symbolic verification. The paper also presents vast experimental data, obtained using the SAT solvers that took first places at the SAT competitions in the recent several years

    A Survey of ARX-based Symmetric-key Primitives

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    Addition Rotation XOR is suitable for fast implementation symmetric –key primitives, such as stream and block ciphers. This paper presents a review of several block and stream ciphers based on ARX construction followed by the discussion on the security analysis of symmetric key primitives where the best attack for every cipher was carried out. We benchmark the implementation on software and hardware according to the evaluation metrics. Therefore, this paper aims at providing a reference for a better selection of ARX design strategy

    Ways to restrict the differential path

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    People had developed some attack methods to attack hash function. These methods need to choose some differential pattern [Dau05]. We present a way to restrict the collisions that hold the differential pattern . At the same time, to build a hash function that meet the different needs, we propose a construction

    Finding collisions for MD4 hash algorithm using hybrid algorithm

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    The modification of message that meets the sufficient conditions for collision is found in the last step of differential attack proposed by Wang et all. (2005) on MD4 hash algorithm. Here we show how this attack phase, finding a collision starting from the list of sufficient conditions for the collision, can be implemented using a combination of two algorithms - evolutionary algorithm and hill climbing. Hybridization of evolutionary algorithm and hill climbing is a well-known technique for improving solutions, but it isn\u27t applied to this domain (at least by information that author has collected)

    A heuristic for finding compatible differential paths with application to HAS-160

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    The question of compatibility of differential paths plays a central role in second order collision attacks on hash functions. In this context, attacks typically proceed by starting from the middle and constructing the middle-steps quartet in which the two paths are enforced on the respec- tive faces of the quartet structure. Finding paths that can fit in such a quartet structure has been a major challenge and the currently known compatible paths extend over a suboptimal number of steps for hash functions such as SHA-2 and HAS-160. In this paper, we investigate a heuristic that searches for compatible differential paths. The application of the heuristic in case of HAS-160 yields a practical second order collision over all of the function steps, which is the first practical result that covers all of the HAS-160 steps. An example of a colliding quartet is provide

    Automatic Search of Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks on AES-like Hashing

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    The Meet-in-the-Middle (MITM) preimage attack is highly effective in breaking the preimage resistance of many hash functions, including but not limited to the full MD5, HAVAL, and Tiger, and reduced SHA-0/1/2. It was also shown to be a threat to hash functions built on block ciphers like AES by Sasaki in 2011. Recently, such attacks on AES hashing modes evolved from merely using the freedom of choosing the internal state to also exploiting the freedom of choosing the message state. However, detecting such attacks especially those evolved variants is difficult. In previous works, the search space of the configurations of such attacks is limited, such that manual analysis is practical, which results in sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we remove artificial limitations in previous works, formulate the essential ideas of the construction of the attack in well-defined ways, and translate the problem of searching for the best attacks into optimization problems under constraints in Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming (MILP) models. The MILP models capture a large solution space of valid attacks; and the objectives of the MILP models are attack configurations with the minimized computational complexity. With such MILP models and using the off-the-shelf solver, it is efficient to search for the best attacks exhaustively. As a result, we obtain the first attacks against the full (5-round) and an extended (5.5-round) version of Haraka-512 v2, and 8-round AES-128 hashing modes, as well as improved attacks covering more rounds of Haraka-256 v2 and other members of AES and Rijndael hashing modes

    Cryptanalysis of HMAC/NMAC-Whirlpool

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    In this paper, we present universal forgery and key recovery attacks on the most popular hash-based MAC constructions, e.g., HMAC and NMAC, instantiated with an AES-like hash function Whirlpool. These attacks work with Whirlpool reduced to 6 out of 10 rounds in single-key setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result on ``original\u27\u27 key recovery for HMAC (previous works only succeeded in recovering the equivalent keys). Interestingly, the number of attacked rounds is comparable with that for collision and preimage attacks on Whirlpool hash function itself. Lastly, we present a distinguishing-H attack against the full HMAC- and NMAC-Whirlpool

    Comprehensive Preimage Security Evaluations on Rijndael-based Hashing

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    The Meet-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack is one of the most powerful cryptanalysis techniques, as seen by its use in preimage attacks on MD4, MD5, Tiger, HAVAL, and Haraka-512 v2 hash functions and key recovery for full-round KTANTAN. An efficient approach to constructing MITM attacks is automation, which refers to modeling MITM characteristics and objectives into constraints and using optimizers to search for the best attack configuration. This work focuses on the simplification and renovation of the most advanced superposition framework based on Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) proposed at CRYPTO 2022. With the refined automation model, this work provides the first comprehensive analysis of the preimage security of hash functions based on all versions of the Rijndael block cipher, the origin of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and improves the best-known results. Specifically, this work has extended the attack rounds of Rijndael 256-192 and 256-256, reduced the attack complexity of Rijndael 256-128 and 128-192 (AES192), and filled the gap of preimage security evaluation on Rijndael versions with a block size of 192 bits

    New Models for the Cryptanalysis of ASCON

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    This paper focuses on the cryptanalysis of the ASCON family using automatic tools. We analyze two different problems with the goal to obtain new modelings, both simpler and less computationally heavy than previous works (all our models require only a small amount of code and run on regular desktop computers). The first problem is the search for Meet-in-the-middle attacks on reduced-round ASCON-Hash. Starting from the MILP modeling of Qin et al. (EUROCRYPT 2023 & ePrint 2023), we rephrase the problem in SAT, which accelerates significantly the solving time and removes the need for the ``weak diffusion structure\u27\u27 heuristic. This allows us to reduce the memory complexity of Qin et al.\u27s attacks and to prove some optimality results. The second problem is the search for lower bounds on the probability of differential characteristics for the ASCON permutation. We introduce a lossy MILP encoding of the propagation rules based on the Hamming weight, in order to find quickly lower bounds which are comparable to the state of the art. We find a small improvement over the existing bound on 7 rounds
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