2 research outputs found

    Information Theory and Patent Documents

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    Recent scholarship has expanded the scope of analytical tools available to patent law researchers. The foundation of information theory published by Claude Shannon has been applied to textual analysis to determine the similarities of patents and to assess a patent’s value. This article presents a theoretical application of information theory to quantify lexical ambiguity and originality in innovation within patent law

    Essays on Creative Ideation and New Product Design

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    Creative ideation, i.e., the generation of novel ideas, represents the terminus-a-quo in the design and development of innovative products. In my dissertation essays, I examine two approaches employed by firms for creative ideation, (1) channeled ideation, a closed approach, which involves applying replicable patterns or properties observed in historical innovations and (2) idea crowdsourcing, an open approach where firms invite crowds to contribute ideas to solve a specific challenge. In my studies, I clarify how firms can incorporate market-related information in the channeled ideation process and examine how the selection of ideas in crowdsourcing challenges relates to local and global novelty. In Essay 1, “Attribute Auto-dynamics and New Product Ideation,” I introduce a replicable property – attribute auto-dynamics, observed in several novel products, where a product possesses the ability to modify its attributes automatically in response to changing customer, product-system, or environmental conditions. I propose a typology of attribute auto-dynamics, based on an analysis of U.S. utility patents. Based on this typology, I specify a procedural framework for new product ideation that integrates market-pull relevant knowledge and technology-push relevant knowledge. I also illustrate how managers and product designers can apply the framework to identify new product ideas for specific target markets using a channeled ideation approach. In Essay 2, “Selection in Crowdsourced Ideation: Role of Local and Global Novelty,” I examine how the selection of ideas in crowdsourced challenges depends on the form of novelty – local or global. Firms often turn to idea crowdsourcing challenges to obtain novel ideas. Yet prior research cautions that ideators and seeker firms may not select novel ideas. To reexamine the links between idea novelty and selection, I propose a bi-faceted notion of idea novelty that may be local or global. Examining data on OpenIDEO, I find that the selection of novel ideas differs according to the selector, the form of novelty, and the challenge task structure. I also specify a predictive model that seeker firms can leverage when ideator selection metrics such as likes are unavailable.Doctor of Philosoph