10 research outputs found

    The standard of axes in ontology of communication

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    An ontology together with a set of individual instances of classes constitutes a knowledge base. In reality, there is a fine line where the ontology ends and the knowledge base begins. For the purposes of this study an ontology is a formal explicit description of concepts in a domain of discourse (classes, Sometimes called concepts), properties of each concept describing various features and attributes of the concept (slots, sometimes called roles or properties)), and restrictions on slots (facets, sometimes called role restrictions) (Gruber, 1993; Vlăduțescu, 2013)

    Tourism "“ Dynamising Element in the Sustainable Development of South-West Oltenia Region

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    The study examines the touristic potential of South-West Oltenia region. It proves that on territorial profile, the South-West Oltenia region might substitute for the problems of development of the National economy, through a good touristic capitalization. Natural touristic resources, being inexhaustible and uniformly distributed in the territory, become the defining elements of the analyzed geographical space. Their role can be maintained in superior parameters, having a polarizing effect of the territorial organization phase

    The Role of Information System Flows in Fulfilling Customers' Individual Orders

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    Being aware of the role that an information system in the company plays and its impact on individual processes, this article presents an information system used in the selected company. The first part discusses the essence of an information system, while in the second part of the article all the processes occurring in the studied company have been described, together with the information accompanying them

    Tourism "“ Dynamising Element in the Sustainable Development of South-West Oltenia Region

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    The study examines the touristic potential of South-West Oltenia region. It proves that on territorial profile, the South-West Oltenia region might substitute for the problems of development of the National economy, through a good touristic capitalization. Natural touristic resources, being inexhaustible and uniformly distributed in the territory, become the defining elements of the analyzed geographical space. Their role can be maintained in superior parameters, having a polarizing effect of the territorial organization phase

    Architecture of political legal communication

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    Political communication has its roots to the earliest classical studies of Aristotle and Plato, modern political communication research is very much an interdisciplinary field of study, drawing on concepts from communication, political science, journalism, sociology, psychology, history, rhetoric, and other fields. In their seminal Handbook of Political Communication, Nimmo and Sanders (1981) traced the development of the field as an academic discipline in the latter half of the 20th century, and other scholars have described the breadth and scope of political communication (Kaid, 1996; Swanson & Nimmo, 1990). There have been advanced many definitions of political communication but none has gained universal acceptance. Perhaps the best is the simplest: Chaffee's (1975) suggestion that political communication is the "role of communication in the political process". The current study intend to do a presentation of message hermeneutics, interpretation and discourse architecture customized for a political one

    Didactic Communication as Tool in European Integration

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    The study explores the European integration as a major concern of the Romanian societal environment. It highlights three scenarios: the pessimistic, optimistic and pragmatic scenario. There emerges a solution so that the school of the new EU members should raise to the standards of teaching and technological performance of some countries like Germany and France. The European integration is a major concern of the Romanian society and a priority of the contemporary education a. It requires the formation of specialists who will work with European standards, ready for joint labor markets which include: competence, competition, uncertainty, demand and offer, and new selection criteria. The European integration solution on the level of education has two basic elements: a) didactic communication - the shift of the focus from the transmission of information on skills training and b) e-Learning technology - the widespread introduction of e-Learning and of information age technologies in education and career management. In this context, the teacher is not only a transmitter of information limiting himself/herself to giving instructions to students on how to learn and the materials they need to learn, but a coach who stimulates students' thinking by analytical questions, creates premises for them so that, by finding independent answers, to reach a better understanding of the issues. The teaching position is expressed through the model, partner, advisor status. The teacher as an agent of change must combine the conditions of competence. The professional competence is the ability to apply, transfer and combine knowledge and skills in various work situations and environments to achieve the required activities at work at the quality specified in the occupational standard

    Communicating Truth or Verisimilitude: Convictive Method or Persuasive Method

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    The study starts from premise that confused communication corresponds to confused knowing. It argues that in carrying out the essence of a confused knowledge, communication is done over the land ambiguity of language by two methods: convictive method and persuasive method.  None of them guarantees the path from the verisimilitude to truth. Instead, the path of the verisimilitude towards falseness always remains open. Figuratively, both are argumentative-discursive. The specificity of conviction is the orientation on the exclusivity of strict ethics of rational cogitation and existential affectivity. Persuasion is featured by using affective or "rationally" seductive arguments, either entirely on their own, or in combination with arguments and convictive procedures. Therefore, on the conviction side there is the process of intentionally rendering the verisimilitude with an ethical definitive foundation, and on the persuasion side there is the process of intentional pseudo-rendering the verisimilitude. Conviction aims at and leads to achieving the authentic truth. The persuasive approach causes verisimilitude

    What Principles of Communication Law Are Violated in Manipulation

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    The study investigates how manipulators and manipulation deviate from some law principles of communication. The research falls within a comprehensive framework of manipulation It starts from the four features of fraiming accredited by R. M. Entman (1993): define problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgments, and suggest remedies. Analytical, manipulation is framed as follows: a) manipulation is defined as influencing persuasive intervention, b) manipulation illicit causes consists of interests regarding the "other"; persuasive joints of manipulation are mostly unethical and consist of induction of toxic opinions, attitudes and behaviors; there are two remedies for manipulation: refusal manipulation and detection plus annihilation of manipulation. However, design the fundamental features of manipulation over raster of principles of the Communication Law. It is found that the manipulation violates the following principles of Communication Law: the principle of accountability and responsibility, the principle of truth, the principle of good faith, the principle of impartiality and objectivity

    Lean Manufacturing: a concept towards a sustainable management

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    In this paper, we will analyze the concept of lean manufacturing, starting from the example illustrated by TPS (Toyota Production System) which is renowned for its focus on the reduction of the original Toyota seven waists in order to improve overall customer value, in spite of the existence of varying perspectives on how this is best achieved. The steady growth of Toyota, from a small company to the world's largest automaker (Bailey, 2008) has focused its attention on how it has achieved this success. It is a starting template that was also developed by other automotive makers, and not only. We will also identify the main elements of lean philosophy and propose a typology of the fundamental concepts of lean, using data analysis from research findings across studies on lean manufacturing and lean production published in the past two decades


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    Any manifestation of life is a component of communication, it is crossed by a communication passage. People irrepressibly generate meanings. As structuring domain of meanings, communication is a place where meanings burst out volcanically. Manifestations of life are surrounded by a halo of communicational meanings. Human material and ideatic existence includes a great potential of communication in continuous extension. The human being crosses the path of or is at the intersection of different communicational thoroughfares. The life of human beings is a place of communication. Consequently, any cognitive or cogitative manifestation presents a route of communication. People consume their lives relating by communicationally. Some communicational relationships are contradictory, others are neutral, since within the manifestations of life there are found conflicting meanings and/or neutral meanings. Communicational relations always comprise a set of neutral, neutrosophic meanings. Communication in general is a human manifestation of life with recognizable profile. Particularly, we talk about scientific communication, literary communication, pictorial communication, sculptural communication, esthetic communication and so on, as specific manifestations of life. All these include coherent, cohesive and structurable series of existential meanings which are contradictory and/or neutral, neutrosophic. It can be asserted that in any communication there are routes of access and neutrosophic routes. Any communication is traversed by neutrosophic routes of communication