1,928 research outputs found

    SBASI: Actuated pyrotechnic time delay initiator

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    A precision pyrotechnic time delay initiator for missile staging was developed and tested. Incorporated in the assembly is a single bridgewire Apollo standard initiator (SBASI) for initiation, a through-bulkhead-initiator to provide isolation of the SBASI output from the delay, the pyrotechnic delay, and an output charge. An attempt was made to control both primary and secondary variables affecting functional performance of the delay initiator. Design and functional limit exploration was performed to establish tolerance levels on manufacturing and assembling operations. The test results demonstrate a 2% coefficient of variation at any one temperature and an overall 2.7% coefficient of variation throughout the temperature range of 30 to 120 F. Tests were conducted at simulated operational altitude from sea level to 200,000 feet

    New developments in the THz field for imaging applications

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    Con esta tesis se pretende avanzar en el desarrollo de la tecnología de terahercios (THz) dentro del campo de las aplicaciones de imagen. Actualmente, los THz se presentan como un rango frecuencial muy interesante para la obtención de imágenes, tal y como se ve reflejado en los numerosos trabajos presentes en la literatura. Por otro lado, aunque se han obtenido cuantiosas imágenes en este rango, aun no es posible identificar el material que compone la muestra. Es por esto que uno de los objetivos de esta tesis es completar las bases de datos de materiales existentes actualmente. Para ello, se han implementado diferentes sistemas que permiten la caracterización electromagnética de diferentes materiales en el rango de los THz.The aim of this thesis is to go a step forward in the use of terahertz (THz) technology within the field of imaging applications. Nowadays, THz radiation appears as a very interesting frequency range to obtain images, as related in the numerous publications. Conversely, although there are several examples of imaging in this range, it is still not possible to identify the material that it is imaged. That is why one of the objectives of this thesis will be to add new materials to the actual database. Thus, several systems have been implemented to characterize materials in the range of THz for this dissertation.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Synthesis of calculational methods for the design and analysis of radiation shields for nuclear rocket systems. Volume 1 - Radiation measurements in a nuclear rocket propellant tank mockup using simulated liquid hydrogen

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    Calculational methods for nuclear rocket radiation shield design - radiation measurements in nuclear rocket propellant tank mockup using simulated liquid hydroge

    Mid-infrared resonant ablation for selective patterning of thin organic films

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    The fast growing market of organic electronics, including organic photovoltaics (OPV), stimulates the development of versatile technologies for structuring thin-film materials. Ultraviolet lasers have proven their full potential for patterning single organic layers, but in a multilayer organic device the obtained layer selectivity is limited as all organic layers show high UV absorption. In this paper, we introduce mid-infrared (IR) resonant ablation as an alternative approach, in which a short pulse mid-infrared laser can be wavelength tuned to one of the molecular vibrational transitions of the organic material to be ablated. As a result, the technique is selective in respect of processing a diversity of organics, which usually have different infrared absorption bands. Mid-IR resonant ablation is demonstrated for a variety of organic thin films, employing both nanosecond (15 ns) and picosecond (250 ps) laser pulses tunable between 3 and 4 microns. The nanosecond experimental set-up is based on a commercial laser at 1064 nm pumping a singly resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) built around a Periodically-Poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN) crystal with several Quasi-Phase Matching (QPM) periods, delivering more than 0.3 W of mid-IR power, corresponding to 15 mu J pulses. The picosecond laser set-up is based on Optical Parametric Amplification (OPA) in a similar crystal, allowing for a comparison between both pulse length regimes. The wavelength of the mid-infrared laser can be tuned to one of the molecular vibrational transitions of the organic material to be ablated. For that reason, the IR absorption spectra of the organic materials used in a typical OPV device were characterized in the wavelength region that can be reached by the laser setups. Focus was on OPV substrate materials, transparent conductive materials, hole transport materials, and absorber materials. The process has been successfully demonstrated for selective thin film patterning, and the influence of the various laser parameters is discussed

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, January - June 1966

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    Index to NASA technological innovations for January-June 196

    Papers presented at the IEEE 15th Symposium on Fusion Engineering by the Alcator C-MOD Group, October 1993

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