2 research outputs found

    SimuGAN: Unsupervised forward modeling and optimal design of a LIDAR Camera

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    Energy-saving LIDAR camera for short distances estimates an object's distance using temporally intensity-coded laser light pulses and calculates the maximum correlation with the back-scattered pulse. Though on low power, the backs-scattered pulse is noisy and unstable, which leads to inaccurate and unreliable depth estimation. To address this problem, we use GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), which are two neural networks that can learn complicated class distributions through an adversarial process. We learn the LIDAR camera's hidden properties and behavior, creating a novel, fully unsupervised forward model that simulates the camera. Then, we use the model's differentiability to explore the camera parameter space and optimize those parameters in terms of depth, accuracy, and stability. To achieve this goal, we also propose a new custom loss function designated to the back-scattered code distribution's weaknesses and its circular behavior. The results are demonstrated on both synthetic and real data

    Improvements to Target-Based 3D LiDAR to Camera Calibration

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    The homogeneous transformation between a LiDAR and monocular camera is required for sensor fusion tasks, such as SLAM. While determining such a transformation is not considered glamorous in any sense of the word, it is nonetheless crucial for many modern autonomous systems. Indeed, an error of a few degrees in rotation or a few percent in translation can lead to 20 cm translation errors at a distance of 5 m when overlaying a LiDAR image on a camera image. The biggest impediments to determining the transformation accurately are the relative sparsity of LiDAR point clouds and systematic errors in their distance measurements. This paper proposes (1) the use of targets of known dimension and geometry to ameliorate target pose estimation in face of the quantization and systematic errors inherent in a LiDAR image of a target, and (2) a fitting method for the LiDAR to monocular camera transformation that fundamentally assumes the camera image data is the most accurate information in one's possession