8,701 research outputs found

    Application-Specific Number Representation

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    Reconfigurable devices, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), enable application- specific number representations. Well-known number formats include fixed-point, floating- point, logarithmic number system (LNS), and residue number system (RNS). Such different number representations lead to different arithmetic designs and error behaviours, thus produc- ing implementations with different performance, accuracy, and cost. To investigate the design options in number representations, the first part of this thesis presents a platform that enables automated exploration of the number representation design space. The second part of the thesis shows case studies that optimise the designs for area, latency or throughput from the perspective of number representations. Automated design space exploration in the first part addresses the following two major issues: ² Automation requires arithmetic unit generation. This thesis provides optimised arithmetic library generators for logarithmic and residue arithmetic units, which support a wide range of bit widths and achieve significant improvement over previous designs. ² Generation of arithmetic units requires specifying the bit widths for each variable. This thesis describes an automatic bit-width optimisation tool called R-Tool, which combines dynamic and static analysis methods, and supports different number systems (fixed-point, floating-point, and LNS numbers). Putting it all together, the second part explores the effects of application-specific number representation on practical benchmarks, such as radiative Monte Carlo simulation, and seismic imaging computations. Experimental results show that customising the number representations brings benefits to hardware implementations: by selecting a more appropriate number format, we can reduce the area cost by up to 73.5% and improve the throughput by 14.2% to 34.1%; by performing the bit-width optimisation, we can further reduce the area cost by 9.7% to 17.3%. On the performance side, hardware implementations with customised number formats achieve 5 to potentially over 40 times speedup over software implementations

    Learning to infer: RL-based search for DNN primitive selection on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

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    Deep Learning is increasingly being adopted by industry for computer vision applications running on embedded devices. While Convolutional Neural Networks' accuracy has achieved a mature and remarkable state, inference latency and throughput are a major concern especially when targeting low-cost and low-power embedded platforms. CNNs' inference latency may become a bottleneck for Deep Learning adoption by industry, as it is a crucial specification for many real-time processes. Furthermore, deployment of CNNs across heterogeneous platforms presents major compatibility issues due to vendor-specific technology and acceleration libraries. In this work, we present QS-DNN, a fully automatic search based on Reinforcement Learning which, combined with an inference engine optimizer, efficiently explores through the design space and empirically finds the optimal combinations of libraries and primitives to speed up the inference of CNNs on heterogeneous embedded devices. We show that, an optimized combination can achieve 45x speedup in inference latency on CPU compared to a dependency-free baseline and 2x on average on GPGPU compared to the best vendor library. Further, we demonstrate that, the quality of results and time "to-solution" is much better than with Random Search and achieves up to 15x better results for a short-time search

    Profile-directed specialisation of custom floating-point hardware

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    We present a methodology for generating floating-point arithmetic hardware designs which are, for suitable applications, much reduced in size, while still retaining performance and IEEE-754 compliance. Our system uses three key parts: a profiling tool, a set of customisable floating-point units and a selection of system integration methods. We use a profiling tool for floating-point behaviour to identify arithmetic operations where fundamental elements of IEEE-754 floating-point may be compromised, without generating erroneous results in the common case. In the uncommon case, we use simple detection logic to determine when operands lie outside the range of capabilities of the optimised hardware. Out-of-range operations are handled by a separate, fully capable, floatingpoint implementation, either on-chip or by returning calculations to a host processor. We present methods of system integration to achieve this errorcorrection. Thus the system suffers no compromise in IEEE-754 compliance, even when the synthesised hardware would generate erroneous results. In particular, we identify from input operands the shift amounts required for input operand alignment and post-operation normalisation. For operations where these are small, we synthesise hardware with reduced-size barrel-shifters. We also propose optimisations to take advantage of other profile-exposed behaviours, including removing the hardware required to swap operands in a floating-point adder or subtractor, and reducing the exponent range to fit observed values. We present profiling results for a range of applications, including a selection of computational science programs, Spec FP 95 benchmarks and the FFMPEG media processing tool, indicating which would be amenable to our method. Selected applications which demonstrate potential for optimisation are then taken through to a hardware implementation. We show up to a 45% decrease in hardware size for a floating-point datapath, with a correctable error-rate of less then 3%, even with non-profiled datasets

    Design and testing methodologies for signal processing systems using DICE

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    The design and integration of embedded systems in heterogeneous programming environments is still largely done in an ad hoc fashion making the overall development process more complicated, tedious and error-prone. In this work, we propose enhancements to existing design flows that utilize model-based design to verify cross-platform correctness of individual actors. The DSPCAD Integrative Command Line Environment (DICE) is a realization of managing these enhancements. We demonstrate this design flow with two case studies. By using DICE's novel test framework on modules of a triggering system in the Large Hadron Collider, we demonstrate how the cross-platform model-based approach, automatic testbench creation and integration of testing in the design process alleviate the rigors of developing such a complex digital system. The second case study is an exploration study into the required precision for eigenvalue decomposition using the Jacobi algorithm. This case study is a demonstration of the use of dataflow modeling in early stage application exploration and the use of DICE in the overall design flow
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