7,964 research outputs found

    Robust and fully automated segmentation of mandible from CT scans

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    Mandible bone segmentation from computed tomography (CT) scans is challenging due to mandible's structural irregularities, complex shape patterns, and lack of contrast in joints. Furthermore, connections of teeth to mandible and mandible to remaining parts of the skull make it extremely difficult to identify mandible boundary automatically. This study addresses these challenges by proposing a novel framework where we define the segmentation as two complementary tasks: recognition and delineation. For recognition, we use random forest regression to localize mandible in 3D. For delineation, we propose to use 3D gradient-based fuzzy connectedness (FC) image segmentation algorithm, operating on the recognized mandible sub-volume. Despite heavy CT artifacts and dental fillings, consisting half of the CT image data in our experiments, we have achieved highly accurate detection and delineation results. Specifically, detection accuracy more than 96% (measured by union of intersection (UoI)), the delineation accuracy of 91% (measured by dice similarity coefficient), and less than 1 mm in shape mismatch (Hausdorff Distance) were found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 201

    A Statistical Modeling Approach to Computer-Aided Quantification of Dental Biofilm

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    Biofilm is a formation of microbial material on tooth substrata. Several methods to quantify dental biofilm coverage have recently been reported in the literature, but at best they provide a semi-automated approach to quantification with significant input from a human grader that comes with the graders bias of what are foreground, background, biofilm, and tooth. Additionally, human assessment indices limit the resolution of the quantification scale; most commercial scales use five levels of quantification for biofilm coverage (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). On the other hand, current state-of-the-art techniques in automatic plaque quantification fail to make their way into practical applications owing to their inability to incorporate human input to handle misclassifications. This paper proposes a new interactive method for biofilm quantification in Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) images of canine teeth that is independent of the perceptual bias of the grader. The method partitions a QLF image into segments of uniform texture and intensity called superpixels; every superpixel is statistically modeled as a realization of a single 2D Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) whose parameters are estimated; the superpixel is then assigned to one of three classes (background, biofilm, tooth substratum) based on the training set of data. The quantification results show a high degree of consistency and precision. At the same time, the proposed method gives pathologists full control to post-process the automatic quantification by flipping misclassified superpixels to a different state (background, tooth, biofilm) with a single click, providing greater usability than simply marking the boundaries of biofilm and tooth as done by current state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2014. keywords: {Biomedical imaging;Calibration;Dentistry;Estimation;Image segmentation;Manuals;Teeth}, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6758338&isnumber=636350

    Mesh-to-raster based non-rigid registration of multi-modal images

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    Region of interest (ROI) alignment in medical images plays a crucial role in diagnostics, procedure planning, treatment, and follow-up. Frequently, a model is represented as triangulated mesh while the patient data is provided from CAT scanners as pixel or voxel data. Previously, we presented a 2D method for curve-to-pixel registration. This paper contributes (i) a general mesh-to-raster (M2R) framework to register ROIs in multi-modal images; (ii) a 3D surface-to-voxel application, and (iii) a comprehensive quantitative evaluation in 2D using ground truth provided by the simultaneous truth and performance level estimation (STAPLE) method. The registration is formulated as a minimization problem where the objective consists of a data term, which involves the signed distance function of the ROI from the reference image, and a higher order elastic regularizer for the deformation. The evaluation is based on quantitative light-induced fluoroscopy (QLF) and digital photography (DP) of decalcified teeth. STAPLE is computed on 150 image pairs from 32 subjects, each showing one corresponding tooth in both modalities. The ROI in each image is manually marked by three experts (900 curves in total). In the QLF-DP setting, our approach significantly outperforms the mutual information-based registration algorithm implemented with the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) and Elastix


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    The current work is done within the context of Romanian National Program II (PNII) research project "Application for Using Image Data Mining and 3D Modeling in Dental Screening" (AIMMS). The AIMMS project aims to design a program that can detect anatomical information and possible pathological formations from a collection of digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) images. The main function of the AIMMS platform is to provide the user with the opportunity to use an integrated dental support platform, using image processing techniques and 3D modeling. From the literature review, it can be found that for the detection and classification of teeth and dental pathologies existing studies are in their infancy. Therefore, the work reported in this article makes a scientific contribution in this field. In this article it is presented the relevant literature review and algorithms that were created for detection of dental pathologies in the context of research project AIMMS
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