1 research outputs found

    Automatic 3D Face Feature Points Extraction with Spin Images

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    Abstract. We present a novel 3D facial feature location method based on the Spin Images registration technique. Three feature points are localized: the nose tip and the inner corners of the right and left eye. The points are found directly in the 3D mesh, allowing a previous normalization before the depth map calculation. This method is applied after a preprocess stage where the candidate points are selected measuring curvatures on the surface and applying clustering techniques. The system is tested on a 3D Face Database called FRAV3D with 105 people and a widely variety of acquisition conditions in order to test the method in a non-controlled environment. The success location rate is 99.5 % in the case of the nose tip and 98 % in the case of eyes, in frontal conditions. This rate is similar even if the conditions change allowing small rotations. Results in more extremely acquisition conditions are shown too. A complete study of the influence of the mesh resolution over the spin images quality and therefore over the face feature location rate is presented. The causes of the errors are discussed in detail.