1 research outputs found

    Automated tracing and visualization of software security structure and properties

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    Visualizing a program’s structure and security characteristics is the intrinsic part of in-depth software security assessment. Such an assessment is typically an analyst-driven task. The visualization for security analysis is usually laborintensive, since analysts need to read documents and source code, synthesize trace data from multiple sources (e.g., system utilities like lsof or strace). To help address this problem, we propose SecSTAR, a tool that dynamically collects the key information from a system and automatically produces the necessary diagrams to support the first steps of widely-used security analysis methodologies, such as Microsoft Threat Modeling and UW/UAB First Principles Vulnerability Assessment (FPVA). SecSTAR uses an efficient dynamic binary instrumentation technique, self-propelled instrumentation, to collect trace data from production systems during runtime then automatically produces diagrams. Furthermore, SecSTAR allows analysts to interactively view and explore diagrams in a web browser. For example, analysts can navigate the diagrams through time and at different levels of detail. We demonstrated the usefulness of using SecSTAR to produce FPVA-style diagrams for a widely used and complex distributed middleware system, the Condor high-throughput scheduling system. Compared with the original manual approach in FPVA, SecSTAR shortened the initial diagram construction time from months to hours and constructed a more accurate diagram visualizing the complete runtime structure of Condor. 1