2 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Approach to Adapt Tests Across Mobile Apps

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    Automatic generators of GUI tests often fail to generate semantically relevant test cases, and thus miss important test scenarios. To address this issue, test adaptation techniques can be used to automatically generate semantically meaningful GUI tests from test cases of applications with similar functionalities. In this paper, we present ADAPTDROID, a technique that approaches the test adaptation problem as a search-problem, and uses evolutionary testing to adapt GUI tests (including oracles) across similar Android apps. In our evaluation with 32 popular Android apps, ADAPTDROID successfully adapted semantically relevant test cases in 11 out of 20 cross-app adaptation scenarios

    Layout and Image Recognition Driving Cross-Platform Automated Mobile Testing

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    The fragmentation problem has extended from Android to different platforms, such as iOS, mobile web, and even mini-programs within some applications (app). In such a situation, recording and replaying test scripts is a popular automated mobile app testing approaches. But such approach encounters severe problems when crossing platforms. Different versions of the same app need to be developed to support different platforms relying on different platform supports. Therefore, mobile app developers need to develop and maintain test scripts for multiple platforms aimed at completely the same test requirements, greatly increasing testing costs. However, we discover that developers adopt highly similar user interface layouts for versions of the same app on different platforms. Such a phenomenon inspires us to replay test scripts from the perspective of similar UI layouts. We propose an image-driven mobile app testing framework, utilizing Widget Feature Matching and Layout Characterization Matching. We use computer vision technologies to perform UI feature comparison and layout hierarchy extraction on app screenshots to obtain UI structures with rich contextual information, including coordinates, relative relationship, etc. Based on acquired UI structures, we can form a platform-independent test script, and then locate the target widgets under test. Thus, the proposed framework non-intrusively replays test scripts according to a novel platform-independent test script model. We also design and implement a tool named LIT to devote the proposed framework into practice, based on which, we conduct an empirical study to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of the proposed testing framework. Results show that the overall replay accuracy reaches around 63.39% on Android (14% improvement over state-of-the-art approaches) and 21.83% on iOS (98% improvement over state-of-the-art approaches)