7 research outputs found

    Challenging the evolutionary strategy for synthesis of analogue computational circuits

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    There are very few reports in the past on applications of Evolutionary Strategy (ES) towards the synthesis of analogue circuits. Moreover, even fewer reports are on the synthesis of computational circuits. Last fact is mainly due to the dif-ficulty in designing of the complex nonlinear functions that these circuits perform. In this paper, the evolving power of the ES is challenged to design four computational circuits: cube root, cubing, square root and squaring functions. The synthesis succeeded due to the usage of oscillating length genotype strategy and the substructure reuse. The approach is characterized by its simplicity and represents one of the first attempts of application of ES towards the synthesis of “QR” circuits. The obtained experimental results significantly exceed the results published before in terms of the circuit quality, economy in components and computing resources utilized, revealing the great potential of the technique pro-posed to design large scale analog circuits

    Automated synthesis of 8-output voltage distributor using incremental evolution

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    The automated synthesis of the analog electronic circuit, including both the topology and the numerical values for each of the circuit’s component, is recognized as a difficult problem. This problem is aggregating considerably when the size of a circuit and the number of its input/output pins increases. In this paper for the first time the method of automated synthesis of the analog electronic circuit by mean of evolution is applied to the synthesis of a multi-output circuit, namely 8-output voltage distributor, that distributes the incoming voltage signal among the outputs in filter-like mode. Using the substructure reuse, dynamic fitness function and incremental evolution techniques the largest analogue circuit has been evolved in the area that has 138 components

    Self-Scaling Evolution of Analog Computation Circuits

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    Energy and performance improvements of continuous-time analog-based computation for selected applications offer an avenue to continue improving the computational ability of tomorrow*s electronic devices at current technology scaling limits. However, analog computation is plagued by the difficulty of designing complex computational circuits, programmability, as well as the inherent lack of accuracy and precision when compared to digital implementations. In this thesis, evolutionary algorithm-based techniques are utilized within a reconfigurable analog fabric to realize an automated method of designing analog-based computational circuits while adapting the functional range to improve performance. A Self-Scaling Genetic Algorithm is proposed to adapt solutions to computationally-tractable ranges in hardware-constrained analog reconfigurable fabrics. It operates by utilizing a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm that operates synergistically with a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to adaptively scale and translate the functional range of computational circuits composed of high-level or low-level Computational Analog Elements to improve performance and realize functionality otherwise unobtainable on the intrinsic platform. The technique is demonstrated by evolving square, square-root, cube, and cube-root analog computational circuits on the Cypress PSoC-5LP System-on-Chip. Results indicate that the Self-Scaling Genetic Algorithm improves our error metric on average 7.18-fold, up to 12.92-fold for computational circuits that produce outputs beyond device range. Results were also favorable compared to previous works, which utilized extrinsic evolution of circuits with much greater complexity than was possible on the PSoC-5LP

    Investigation of radiation-hardened design of electronic systems with applications to post-accident monitoring for nuclear power plants

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    This research aims at improving the robustness of electronic systems used-in high level radiation environments by combining with radiation-hardened (rad-hardened) design and fault-tolerant techniques based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. A specific of the research is to use such systems for wireless post-accident monitoring in nuclear power plants (NPPs). More specifically, the following methods and systems are developed and investigated to accomplish expected research objectives: analysis of radiation responses, design of a radiation-tolerant system, implementation of a wireless post-accident monitoring system for NPPs, performance evaluation without repeat physical tests, and experimental validation in a radiation environment. A method is developed to analyze ionizing radiation responses of COTS-based devices and circuits in various radiation conditions, which can be applied to design circuits robust to ionizing radiation effects without repeated destructive tests in a physical radiation environment. Some mathematical models of semiconductor devices for post-irradiation conditions are investigated, and their radiation responses are analyzed using Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulator. Those models are then used in the analysis of circuits and systems under radiation condition. Based on the simulation results, method of rapid power off may be effectively to protect electronic systems under ionizing radiation. It can be a potential solution to mitigate damages of electronic components caused by radiation. With simulation studies of photocurrent responses of semiconductor devices, two methods are presented to mitigate the damages of total ionizing dose: component selection and radiation shielding protection. According to the investigation of radiation-tolerance of regular COTS components, most COTS-based semiconductor components may experience performance degradation and radiation damages when the total dose is greater than 20 K Rad (Si). A principle of component selection is given to obtain the suitable components, as well as a method is proposed to assess the component reliability under radiation environments, which uses radiation degradation factors, instead of the usual failure rate data in the reliability model. Radiation degradation factor is as the input to describe the radiation response of a component under a total radiation dose. In addition, a number of typical semiconductor components are also selected as the candidate components for the application of wireless monitoring in nuclear power plants. On the other hand, a multi-layer shielding protection is used to reduce the total dose to be less than 20 K Rad (Si) for a given radiation condition; the selected semiconductor devices can then survive in the radiation condition with the reduced total dose. The calculation method of required shielding thickness is also proposed to achieve the design objectives. Several shielding solutions are also developed and compared for applications in wireless monitoring system in nuclear power plants. A radiation-tolerant architecture is proposed to allow COTS-based electronic systems to be used in high-level radiation environments without using rad-hardened components. Regular COTS components are used with some fault-tolerant techniques to mitigate damages of the system through redundancy, online fault detection, real-time preventive remedial actions, and rapid power off. The functions of measurement, processing, communication, and fault-tolerance are integrated locally within all channels without additional detection units. A hardware emulation bench with redundant channels is constructed to verify the effectiveness of the developed radiation-tolerant architecture. Experimental results have shown that the developed architecture works effectively and redundant channels can switch smoothly in 500 milliseconds or less when a single fault or multiple faults occur. An online mechanism is also investigated to timely detect and diagnose radiation damages in the developed redundant architecture for its radiation tolerance enhancement. This is implemented by the built-in-test technique. A number of tests by using fault injection techniques have been carried out in the developed hardware emulation bench to validate the proposed detection mechanism. The test results have shown that faults and errors can be effectively detected and diagnosed. For the developed redundant wireless devices under given radiation dose (20 K Rad (Si)), the fault detection coverage is about 62.11%. This level of protection could be improved further by putting more resources (CPU consumption, etc.) into the function of fault detection, but the cost will increase. To apply the above investigated techniques and systems, under a severe accident condition in a nuclear power plant, a prototype of wireless post-accident monitoring system (WPAMS) is designed and constructed. Specifically, the radiation-tolerant wireless device is implemented with redundant and diversified channels. The developed system operates effectively to measure up-to-date information from a specific area/process and to transmit that information to remote monitoring station wirelessly. Hence, the correctness of the proposed architecture and approaches in this research has been successfully validated. In the design phase, an assessment method without performing repeated destructive physical tests is investigated to evaluate the radiation-tolerance of electronic systems by combining the evaluation of radiation protection and the analysis of the system reliability under the given radiation conditions. The results of the assessment studies have shown that, under given radiation conditions, the reliability of the developed radiation-tolerant wireless system can be much higher than those of non-redundant channels; and it can work in high-level radiation environments with total dose up to 1 M Rad (Si). Finally, a number of total dose tests are performed to investigate radiation effects induced by gamma radiation on distinct modern wireless monitoring devices. An experimental setup is developed to monitor the performance of signal measurement online and transmission of the developed distinct wireless electronic devices directly under gamma radiator at The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Lab (OSU-NRL). The gamma irradiator generates dose rates of 20 K Rad/h and 200 Rad/h on the samples, respectively. It was found that both measurement and transmission functions of distinct wireless measurement and transmission devices work well under gamma radiation conditions before the devices permanently damage. The experimental results have also shown that the developed radiation-tolerant design can be applied to effectively extend the lifespan of COTS-based electronic systems in the high-level radiation environment, as well as to improve the performance of wireless communication systems. According to testing results, the developed radiation-tolerant wireless device with a shielding protection can work at least 21 hours under the highest dose rate (20 K Rad/h). In summary, this research has addressed important issues on the design of radiation-tolerant systems without using rad-hardened electronic components. The proposed methods and systems provide an effective and economical solution to implement monitoring systems for obtaining up-to-date information in high-level radiation environments. The reported contributions are of significance both academically and in practice

    Automatic design of analogue circuits

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    Evolvable Hardware (EHW) is a promising area in electronics today. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), together with a circuit simulation tool or real hardware, automatically designs a circuit for a given problem. The circuits evolved may have unconventional designs and be less dependent on the personal knowledge of a designer. Nowadays, EA are represented by Genetic Algorithms (GA), Genetic Programming (GP) and Evolutionary Strategy (ES). While GA is definitely the most popular tool, GP has rapidly developed in recent years and is notable by its outstanding results. However, to date the use of ES for analogue circuit synthesis has been limited to a few applications. This work is devoted to exploring the potential of ES to create novel analogue designs. The narrative of the thesis starts with a framework of an ES-based system generating simple circuits, such as low pass filters. Then it continues with a step-by-step progression to increasingly sophisticated designs that require additional strength from the system. Finally, it describes the modernization of the system using novel techniques that enable the synthesis of complex multi-pin circuits that are newly evolved. It has been discovered that ES has strong power to synthesize analogue circuits. The circuits evolved in the first part of the thesis exceed similar results made previously using other techniques in a component economy, in the better functioning of the evolved circuits and in the computing power spent to reach the results. The target circuits for evolution in the second half are chosen by the author to challenge the capability of the developed system. By functioning, they do not belong to the conventional analogue domain but to applications that are usually adopted by digital circuits. To solve the design tasks, the system has been gradually developed to support the ability of evolving increasingly complex circuits. As a final result, a state-of-the-art ES-based system has been developed that possesses a novel mutation paradigm, with an ability to create, store and reuse substructures, to adapt the mutation, selection parameters and population size, utilize automatic incremental evolution and use the power of parallel computing. It has been discovered that with the ability to synthesis the most up-to-date multi-pin complex analogue circuits that have ever been automatically synthesized before, the system is capable of synthesizing circuits that are problematic for conventional design with application domains that lay beyond the conventional application domain for analogue circuits.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo