1 research outputs found

    Automated analysis of local field potentials evoked by mechanical whisker stimulation in rat barrel cortex

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    none4noLocal field potentials (LFPs) recorded in the barrel cortex in rats and mice are important to investigate somatosensory systems, the final aim being to start to understand mechanisms of brain representation of sensory stimuli in humans. Parameters extracted from LFP of particular interest include spike timing and transmembrane current flow. Recent improvements in microelectrodes technology have enabled neuroscientists to acquire a great amount of LFP signals during the same experimental session, calling for the development of algorithms for their quantitative automatic analysis. In the present work, an algorithm based on Phillips-Tikhonov regularization is presented to automatically detect the main features (in terms of amplitude and latency) of LFP waveforms recorded after whisker stimulation in rat. The accuracy of the algorithm is first assessed in a Monte Carlo simulation mimicking the acquisition of LFP in three different conditions of SNR. Then, the algorithm is tested by analyzing a set of 100 LFP recorded in the primary somatosensory (S1) cortex, i.e., the region involved in the cortical representation of touch in mammals.noneRubega M.; Cecchetto C.; Vassanelli S.; Sparacino G.Rubega, M.; Cecchetto, C.; Vassanelli, S.; Sparacino, G