3 research outputs found

    Local Analysis of Human Cortex in MRI Brain Volume

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    This paper describes a method for subcortical identification and labeling of 3D medical MRI images. Indeed, the ability to identify similarities between the most characteristic subcortical structures such as sulci and gyri is helpful for human brain mapping studies in general and medical diagnosis in particular. However, these structures vary greatly from one individual to another because they have different geometric properties. For this purpose, we have developed an efficient tool that allows a user to start with brain imaging, to segment the border gray/white matter, to simplify the obtained cortex surface, and to describe this shape locally in order to identify homogeneous features. In this paper, a segmentation procedure using geometric curvature properties that provide an efficient discrimination for local shape is implemented on the brain cortical surface. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the validity of our approach

    Statistical Study on Cortical Sulci of Human Brains

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    Abstract. A method for building a statistical shape model of sulci of the human brain cortex is described. The model includes sulcal fundi that are defined on a spherical map of the cortex. The sulcal fundi are first extracted in a semi-automatic way using an extension of the fast march-ing method. They are then transformed to curves on the unit sphere via a conformal mapping method that maps each cortical point to a point on the unit sphere. The curves that represent sulcal fundi are parameterized with piecewise constant-speed parameterizations. Intermediate points on these curves correspond to sulcal landmarks, which are used to build a point distribution model on the unit sphere. Statistical information of local properties of the sulci, such as curvature and depth, are embedded in the model. Experimental results are presented to show how the models are built.

    Intraoperative identification and display of cortical brain function

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