5 research outputs found


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    The growing awareness of the substantial environmental footprint of Information System has increasingly focused corporate transformation efforts on the efficient usage of Information Technology. In this context, we provide a new concept to enterprise IS operation and introduce a novel adaptation framework that harmonizes operational requirements with efficiency goals. We concretely target elastic n-tier applications with dynamic on-demand resource provisioning for component servers and implement an adaptation engine prototype. Our framework forecasts future user behavior, analyzes the impact of workload on system performance, evaluates the economic impact of different provisioning strategies, and derives an optimal operation strategy. More generally, our adaptation engine optimizes IT system operation based on a holistic evaluation of the key factors of influence. In the evaluation, we systematically investigate practicability, optimization potential, as well as effectiveness. Additionally, we show that our framework allows flexible IS operation with up to a 40 percent lower cost of operation

    Automatic generation of AMF compliant configurations

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    Nowadays, the demand for robust, reliable, and dependable telecommunication systems is higher than ever. End users expect services to be delivered with minimal to no interruption especially in cases where the effect of service outage can have catastrophic consequences such as loss of human lives and monetary losses. Examples of such applications include air traffic control and navigation systems, or systems that perform money transfer transactions such as VISA. Systems are considered highly available if they are up and running 99.999% of the time. One solution to sustain such availability is for such systems to be deployed on specific middleware that allow the redundancy of the system components to ensure the availability of services they provide. However, most existing platforms are proprietary and platform dependent. The goal of the Service Availability Forum (SAF) is to develop open specifications that aim to standardize the interface between the applications and the middleware from one side and the middleware and the underlying hardware from the other side. SAF specifications have also been developed to allow highly available applications to be built using commercial off-the-shelf components. A key component of SAF is the Availability Management Framework (AMF), which is the middleware part responsible for managing the redundant resources of applications and therefore enables high availability. AMF, however, requires a certain organization and groupings of those components known as an AMF configuration. Creating AMF configurations manually tends to be very difficult, error prone and sometimes impossible when the number of components forming the application and the cluster hosting the application is considerably high, which is the case for most real-world telecommunication systems. In this thesis, we devise a solution for automatically generating AMF compliant configurations for applications. The proposed solution encompasses two techniques that vary depending on the way AMF entities are handled. We have implemented both approaches and applied one of them to a case study to demonstrate the applicability of our solutio

    Automated Configuration Design and Analysis for Service High-Availability

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    The need for highly available services is ever increasing in various domains ranging from mission critical systems to transaction based ones such as online banking. The Service Availability Forum (SAForum) has defined a set of services and related Application Programming Interface (API) specifications to address the growing need of commercial-off-the-shelf high availability solutions. Among these services, the Availability Management Framework (AMF) is the service responsible for managing the high availability of the application services. To achieve this task, an AMF implementation requires a specific logical view of the organization of the application’s services and components, known as an AMF configuration. Any AMF configuration must be compliant to the concepts and constraints defined in the AMF specifications. The process of defining AMF configurations is error prone and requires extensive domain knowledge. Another major issue is being able to analyze the designed AMF configuration to quantify the anticipated service availability. This requires a different set of modeling and analysis skills that system integrators might not necessarily possess. In this dissertation we propose the automation of this process. The premise is to define a generation method within which we embed the domain knowledge and the domain constraints, and by that generating AMF configurations that are valid by construction. We also define an approach for the service availability analysis of AMF configurations. Our method is based on generating an analysis stochastic model that captures the middleware behavior and the application configuration. This model is thereafter solved to quantify the service availability

    Automated Generation of Resource Configurations through Policies

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    Resource Management systems have been attempting to undertake automated configuration management. Automated configuration management involves considering user requirements, operator constraints and technical constraints of the system to create a suitable configuration, and to create a workflow to deploy it. In this article we propose a policy-based model that we have used for automating these configuration management aspects. 1