2 research outputs found

    Automata as pp-adic Dynamical Systems

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    The automaton transformation of infinite words over alphabet Fp={0,1,…,pβˆ’1}\mathbb F_p=\{0,1,\ldots,p-1\}, where pp is a prime number, coincide with the continuous transformation (with respect to the pp-adic metric) of a ring Zp\mathbb Z_p of pp-adic integers. The objects of the study are non-Archimedean dynamical systems generated by automata mappings on the space Zp\mathbb Z_p. Measure-preservation (with the respect to the Haar measure) and ergodicity of such dynamical systems plays an important role in cryptography (e.g. for pseudorandom generators and stream cyphers design). The possibility to use pp-adic methods and geometrical images of automata allows to characterize of a transitive (or, ergodic) automata. We investigate a measure-preserving and ergodic mappings associated with synchronous and asynchronous automata. We have got criterion of measure-preservation for an nn-unit delay mappings associated with asynchronous automata. Moreover, we have got a sufficient condition of ergodicity of such mappings

    Non-Archimedean dynamics of the complex shift

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    An (asynchronous) automaton transformation of one-sided infinite words over p-letter alphabet Fp = Z/pZ, where p is a prime, is a continuous transformation (w.r.t. the p-adic metric) of the ring of p-adic integers Zp. Moreover, an automaton mapping generates a non-Archimedean dynamical system on Zp. Measure-preservation and ergodicity (w.r.t. the Haar measure) of such dynamical systems play an important role in cryptography (e.g., in stream cyphers). The aim of this paper is to present a novel way of realizing a complex shift in p-adics. In particular, we introduce conditions on the Mahler expansion of a transformation on the p-adics which are sufficient for it to be complex shift. Moreover, we have a sufficient condition of ergodicity of such mappings in terms of Mahler expansion