3 research outputs found

    Autoepistemic Logic of First Order and Its Expressive Power

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    We study the expressive power of first order autoepistemic logic 1 . We argue that full introspection of rational agents should be carried out by minimizing positive introspection and maximizing negative introspection. Based on full introspection, we propose the generalized stable semantics that characterizes autoepistemic reasoning processes of rational agents, and show that the breadth of the semantics covers all theories in autoepistemic logic of first order, Moore's AE logic, and Reiter's default logic. Our study demonstrates that autoepistemic logic of first order is a very powerful framework for nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming, deductive databases, and knowledge representation. Key Words: nonmonotonic reasoning, autoepistemic logic, default logic, logic programming, knowledge representation 1 Introduction An idea rational agent has to decide which set of propositions to believe according to her knowledge. Moore's AE logic is a powerful framework for this kind of int..