7 research outputs found

    Polyhedral geometry and combinatorics of an autocatalytic ecosystem

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    Developing a mathematical understanding of autocatalysis in reaction networks has both theoretical and practical implications. We review definitions of autocatalytic networks and prove some properties for minimal autocatalytic subnetworks (MASs). We show that it is possible to classify MASs in equivalence classes, and develop mathematical results about their behavior. We also provide linear-programming algorithms to exhaustively enumerate them and a scheme to visualize their polyhedral geometry and combinatorics. We then define cluster chemical reaction networks, a framework for coarse-graining real chemical reactions with positive integer conservation laws. We find that the size of the list of minimal autocatalytic subnetworks in a maximally connected cluster chemical reaction network with one conservation law grows exponentially in the number of species. We end our discussion with open questions concerning an ecosystem of autocatalytic subnetworks and multidisciplinary opportunities for future investigation.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures, 7 table

    Universal motifs and the diversity of autocatalytic systems

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    Autocatalysis is essential for the origin of life and chemical evolution. However, the lack of a unified framework so far prevents a systematic study of autocatalysis. Here, we derive, from basic principles, general stoichiometric conditions for catalysis and autocatalysis in chemical reaction networks. This allows for a classification of minimal autocatalytic motifs called cores. While all known autocatalytic systems indeed contain minimal motifs, the classification also reveals hitherto unidentified motifs.We further examine conditions for kinetic viability of such networks, which depends on the autocatalytic motifs they contain and is notably increased by internal catalytic cycles. Finally, we show how this framework extends the range of conceivable autocatalytic systems, by applying our stoichiometric and kinetic analysis to autocatalysis emerging from coupled compartments. The unified approach to autocatalysis presented in this work lays a foundation toward the building of a systems-level theory of chemical evolution

    Intermediates, Catalysts, Persistence, and Boundary Steady States

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    For dynamical systems arising from chemical reaction networks, persistence is the property that each species concentration remains positively bounded away from zero, as long as species concentrations were all positive in the beginning. We describe two graphical procedures for simplifying reaction networks without breaking known necessary or sufficient conditions for persistence, by iteratively removing so-called intermediates and catalysts from the network. The procedures are easy to apply and, in many cases, lead to highly simplified network structures, such as monomolecular networks. For specific classes of reaction networks, we show that these conditions for persistence are equivalent to one another. Furthermore, they can also be characterized by easily checkable strong connectivity properties of a related graph. In particular, this is the case for (conservative) monomolecular networks, as well as cascades of a large class of post-translational modification systems (of which the MAPK cascade and the nn-site futile cycle are prominent examples). Since one of the aforementioned sufficient conditions for persistence precludes the existence of boundary steady states, our method also provides a graphical tool to check for that.Comment: The main result was made more general through a slightly different approach. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Biolog

    Computational Complexity of Atomic Chemical Reaction Networks

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    Informally, a chemical reaction network is "atomic" if each reaction may be interpreted as the rearrangement of indivisible units of matter. There are several reasonable definitions formalizing this idea. We investigate the computational complexity of deciding whether a given network is atomic according to each of these definitions. Our first definition, primitive atomic, which requires each reaction to preserve the total number of atoms, is to shown to be equivalent to mass conservation. Since it is known that it can be decided in polynomial time whether a given chemical reaction network is mass-conserving, the equivalence gives an efficient algorithm to decide primitive atomicity. Another definition, subset atomic, further requires that all atoms are species. We show that deciding whether a given network is subset atomic is in NP\textsf{NP}, and the problem "is a network subset atomic with respect to a given atom set" is strongly NP\textsf{NP}-Complete\textsf{Complete}. A third definition, reachably atomic, studied by Adleman, Gopalkrishnan et al., further requires that each species has a sequence of reactions splitting it into its constituent atoms. We show that there is a polynomial-time algorithm\textbf{polynomial-time algorithm} to decide whether a given network is reachably atomic, improving upon the result of Adleman et al. that the problem is decidable\textbf{decidable}. We show that the reachability problem for reachably atomic networks is Pspace\textsf{Pspace}-Complete\textsf{Complete}. Finally, we demonstrate equivalence relationships between our definitions and some special cases of another existing definition of atomicity due to Gnacadja

    Unstable Cores are the source of instability in chemical reaction networks

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    In biochemical networks, complex dynamical features such as superlinear growth and oscillations are classically considered a consequence of autocatalysis. For the large class of parameter-rich kinetic models, which includes Generalized Mass Action kinetics and Michaelis-Menten kinetics, we show that certain submatrices of the stoichiometric matrix, so-called unstable cores, are sufficient for a reaction network to admit instability and potentially give rise to such complex dynamical behavior. The determinant of the submatrix distinguishes unstable-positive feedbacks, with a single real-positive eigenvalue, and unstable-negative feedbacks without real-positive eigenvalues. Autocatalytic cores turn out to be exactly the unstable-positive feedbacks that are Metzler matrices. Thus there are sources of dynamical instability in chemical networks that are unrelated to autocatalysis. We use such intuition to design non-autocatalytic biochemical networks with superlinear growth and oscillations.Comment: 47 pages. Main text pp 1-14, Supplementary Information pp 15-47. 8 figure