1 research outputs found

    Enabling Zero Trust Security in IoMT Edge Network

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    Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) deals with a patient-data-rich segment, which makes security and privacy a severe concern for patients. Therefore, access control is a significant aspect of ensuring trust in the IoMT. However, deploying existing authentication and authorization solutions to the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is not straightforward because of highly dynamic and possibly unprotected environments and untrusted supply chain for the IoT devices. In this article, we propose Soter, a Zero-Trust based authentication system for the IoMT. Soter Incorporates trust negotiation mechanisms within the Zero Trust framework to enable dynamic trust establishment. When a user or device seeks access to a resource, initiate a trust negotiation process. During this process, credentials, attributes, and contextual information are exchanged between the requester and the resource owner. Soter defines access rules based on various factors, including user identity, device health, and location. Access is granted or denied based on these conditions