3 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality Using Full Panoramic Captured Scene Light-Depth Maps 134

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    Ask for a programmer and an artist what is the Holy Grail of computer graphics and you may hear completely different awnsers. It’s part of the competence of computers to strive for reproduce reality, to mimic it bit by bit, lumen by lumen. And it’s in the core o

    Automatic Scene Inference for 3D Object Compositing

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    We present a user-friendly image editing system that supports a drag-and-drop object insertion (where the user merely drags objects into the image, and the system automatically places them in 3D and relights them appropriately), post-process illumination editing, and depth-of-field manipulation. Underlying our system is a fully automatic technique for recovering a comprehensive 3D scene model (geometry, illumination, diffuse albedo and camera parameters) from a single, low dynamic range photograph. This is made possible by two novel contributions: an illumination inference algorithm that recovers a full lighting model of the scene (including light sources that are not directly visible in the photograph), and a depth estimation algorithm that combines data-driven depth transfer with geometric reasoning about the scene layout. A user study shows that our system produces perceptually convincing results, and achieves the same level of realism as techniques that require significant user interaction

    Inverse Rendering Techniques for Physically Grounded Image Editing

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    From a single picture of a scene, people can typically grasp the spatial layout immediately and even make good guesses at materials properties and where light is coming from to illuminate the scene. For example, we can reliably tell which objects occlude others, what an object is made of and its rough shape, regions that are illuminated or in shadow, and so on. It is interesting how little is known about our ability to make these determinations; as such, we are still not able to robustly "teach" computers to make the same high-level observations as people. This document presents algorithms for understanding intrinsic scene properties from single images. The goal of these inverse rendering techniques is to estimate the configurations of scene elements (geometry, materials, luminaires, camera parameters, etc) using only information visible in an image. Such algorithms have applications in robotics and computer graphics. One such application is in physically grounded image editing: photo editing made easier by leveraging knowledge of the physical space. These applications allow sophisticated editing operations to be performed in a matter of seconds, enabling seamless addition, removal, or relocation of objects in images.Comment: PhD thesis, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 201