221 research outputs found

    Exploiting Local Features from Deep Networks for Image Retrieval

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    Deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to image classification tasks. When these same networks have been applied to image retrieval, the assumption has been made that the last layers would give the best performance, as they do in classification. We show that for instance-level image retrieval, lower layers often perform better than the last layers in convolutional neural networks. We present an approach for extracting convolutional features from different layers of the networks, and adopt VLAD encoding to encode features into a single vector for each image. We investigate the effect of different layers and scales of input images on the performance of convolutional features using the recent deep networks OxfordNet and GoogLeNet. Experiments demonstrate that intermediate layers or higher layers with finer scales produce better results for image retrieval, compared to the last layer. When using compressed 128-D VLAD descriptors, our method obtains state-of-the-art results and outperforms other VLAD and CNN based approaches on two out of three test datasets. Our work provides guidance for transferring deep networks trained on image classification to image retrieval tasks.Comment: CVPR DeepVision Workshop 201

    Image Retrieval with Mixed Initiative and Multimodal Feedback

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    How would you search for a unique, fashionable shoe that a friend wore and you want to buy, but you didn't take a picture? Existing approaches propose interactive image search as a promising venue. However, they either entrust the user with taking the initiative to provide informative feedback, or give all control to the system which determines informative questions to ask. Instead, we propose a mixed-initiative framework where both the user and system can be active participants, depending on whose initiative will be more beneficial for obtaining high-quality search results. We develop a reinforcement learning approach which dynamically decides which of three interaction opportunities to give to the user: drawing a sketch, providing free-form attribute feedback, or answering attribute-based questions. By allowing these three options, our system optimizes both the informativeness and exploration capabilities allowing faster image retrieval. We outperform three baselines on three datasets and extensive experimental settings.Comment: In submission to BMVC 201
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