20,321 research outputs found

    Attention-Privileged Reinforcement Learning

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    Image-based Reinforcement Learning is known to suffer from poor sample efficiency and generalisation to unseen visuals such as distractors (task-independent aspects of the observation space). Visual domain randomisation encourages transfer by training over visual factors of variation that may be encountered in the target domain. This increases learning complexity, can negatively impact learning rate and performance, and requires knowledge of potential variations during deployment. In this paper, we introduce Attention-Privileged Reinforcement Learning (APRiL) which uses a self-supervised attention mechanism to significantly alleviate these drawbacks: by focusing on task-relevant aspects of the observations, attention provides robustness to distractors as well as significantly increased learning efficiency. APRiL trains two attention-augmented actor-critic agents: one purely based on image observations, available across training and transfer domains; and one with access to privileged information (such as environment states) available only during training. Experience is shared between both agents and their attention mechanisms are aligned. The image-based policy can then be deployed without access to privileged information. We experimentally demonstrate accelerated and more robust learning on a diverse set of domains, leading to improved final performance for environments both within and outside the training distribution.Comment: Published at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 202

    Sim-to-Real Transfer for Quadrupedal Locomotion via Terrain Transformer

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    Deep reinforcement learning has recently emerged as an appealing alternative for legged locomotion over multiple terrains by training a policy in physical simulation and then transferring it to the real world (i.e., sim-to-real transfer). Despite considerable progress, the capacity and scalability of traditional neural networks are still limited, which may hinder their applications in more complex environments. In contrast, the Transformer architecture has shown its superiority in a wide range of large-scale sequence modeling tasks, including natural language processing and decision-making problems. In this paper, we propose Terrain Transformer (TERT), a high-capacity Transformer model for quadrupedal locomotion control on various terrains. Furthermore, to better leverage Transformer in sim-to-real scenarios, we present a novel two-stage training framework consisting of an offline pretraining stage and an online correction stage, which can naturally integrate Transformer with privileged training. Extensive experiments in simulation demonstrate that TERT outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on different terrains in terms of return, energy consumption and control smoothness. In further real-world validation, TERT successfully traverses nine challenging terrains, including sand pit and stair down, which can not be accomplished by strong baselines

    TraKDis: A Transformer-based Knowledge Distillation Approach for Visual Reinforcement Learning with Application to Cloth Manipulation

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    Approaching robotic cloth manipulation using reinforcement learning based on visual feedback is appealing as robot perception and control can be learned simultaneously. However, major challenges result due to the intricate dynamics of cloth and the high dimensionality of the corresponding states, what shadows the practicality of the idea. To tackle these issues, we propose TraKDis, a novel Transformer-based Knowledge Distillation approach that decomposes the visual reinforcement learning problem into two distinct stages. In the first stage, a privileged agent is trained, which possesses complete knowledge of the cloth state information. This privileged agent acts as a teacher, providing valuable guidance and training signals for subsequent stages. The second stage involves a knowledge distillation procedure, where the knowledge acquired by the privileged agent is transferred to a vision-based agent by leveraging pre-trained state estimation and weight initialization. TraKDis demonstrates better performance when compared to state-of-the-art RL techniques, showing a higher performance of 21.9%, 13.8%, and 8.3% in cloth folding tasks in simulation. Furthermore, to validate robustness, we evaluate the agent in a noisy environment; the results indicate its ability to handle and adapt to environmental uncertainties effectively. Real robot experiments are also conducted to showcase the efficiency of our method in real-world scenarios.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters in January 202

    End-to-end Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Frontiers

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    The autonomous driving community has witnessed a rapid growth in approaches that embrace an end-to-end algorithm framework, utilizing raw sensor input to generate vehicle motion plans, instead of concentrating on individual tasks such as detection and motion prediction. End-to-end systems, in comparison to modular pipelines, benefit from joint feature optimization for perception and planning. This field has flourished due to the availability of large-scale datasets, closed-loop evaluation, and the increasing need for autonomous driving algorithms to perform effectively in challenging scenarios. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive analysis of more than 250 papers, covering the motivation, roadmap, methodology, challenges, and future trends in end-to-end autonomous driving. We delve into several critical challenges, including multi-modality, interpretability, causal confusion, robustness, and world models, amongst others. Additionally, we discuss current advancements in foundation models and visual pre-training, as well as how to incorporate these techniques within the end-to-end driving framework. To facilitate future research, we maintain an active repository that contains up-to-date links to relevant literature and open-source projects at https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/End-to-end-Autonomous-Driving

    Teacher-Student Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation using a Planetary Space Rover

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    We address the challenge of enhancing navigation autonomy for planetary space rovers using reinforcement learning (RL). The ambition of future space missions necessitates advanced autonomous navigation capabilities for rovers to meet mission objectives. RL's potential in robotic autonomy is evident, but its reliance on simulations poses a challenge. Transferring policies to real-world scenarios often encounters the "reality gap", disrupting the transition from virtual to physical environments. The reality gap is exacerbated in the context of mapless navigation on Mars and Moon-like terrains, where unpredictable terrains and environmental factors play a significant role. Effective navigation requires a method attuned to these complexities and real-world data noise. We introduce a novel two-stage RL approach using offline noisy data. Our approach employs a teacher-student policy learning paradigm, inspired by the "learning by cheating" method. The teacher policy is trained in simulation. Subsequently, the student policy is trained on noisy data, aiming to mimic the teacher's behaviors while being more robust to real-world uncertainties. Our policies are transferred to a custom-designed rover for real-world testing. Comparative analyses between the teacher and student policies reveal that our approach offers improved behavioral performance, heightened noise resilience, and more effective sim-to-real transfer

    Learning by Asking Questions

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    We introduce an interactive learning framework for the development and testing of intelligent visual systems, called learning-by-asking (LBA). We explore LBA in context of the Visual Question Answering (VQA) task. LBA differs from standard VQA training in that most questions are not observed during training time, and the learner must ask questions it wants answers to. Thus, LBA more closely mimics natural learning and has the potential to be more data-efficient than the traditional VQA setting. We present a model that performs LBA on the CLEVR dataset, and show that it automatically discovers an easy-to-hard curriculum when learning interactively from an oracle. Our LBA generated data consistently matches or outperforms the CLEVR train data and is more sample efficient. We also show that our model asks questions that generalize to state-of-the-art VQA models and to novel test time distributions