12 research outputs found

    On The Utility of Conditional Generation Based Mutual Information for Characterizing Adversarial Subspaces

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    Recent studies have found that deep learning systems are vulnerable to adversarial examples; e.g., visually unrecognizable adversarial images can easily be crafted to result in misclassification. The robustness of neural networks has been studied extensively in the context of adversary detection, which compares a metric that exhibits strong discriminate power between natural and adversarial examples. In this paper, we propose to characterize the adversarial subspaces through the lens of mutual information (MI) approximated by conditional generation methods. We use MI as an information-theoretic metric to strengthen existing defenses and improve the performance of adversary detection. Experimental results on MagNet defense demonstrate that our proposed MI detector can strengthen its robustness against powerful adversarial attacks.Comment: Accepted to IEEE GlobalSIP 201

    Attacking the Madry Defense Model with L1L_1-based Adversarial Examples

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    The Madry Lab recently hosted a competition designed to test the robustness of their adversarially trained MNIST model. Attacks were constrained to perturb each pixel of the input image by a scaled maximal L∞L_\infty distortion ϡ\epsilon = 0.3. This discourages the use of attacks which are not optimized on the L∞L_\infty distortion metric. Our experimental results demonstrate that by relaxing the L∞L_\infty constraint of the competition, the elastic-net attack to deep neural networks (EAD) can generate transferable adversarial examples which, despite their high average L∞L_\infty distortion, have minimal visual distortion. These results call into question the use of L∞L_\infty as a sole measure for visual distortion, and further demonstrate the power of EAD at generating robust adversarial examples.Comment: Accepted to ICLR 2018 Workshop

    Generating Natural Language Adversarial Examples

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples, perturbations to correctly classified examples which can cause the model to misclassify. In the image domain, these perturbations are often virtually indistinguishable to human perception, causing humans and state-of-the-art models to disagree. However, in the natural language domain, small perturbations are clearly perceptible, and the replacement of a single word can drastically alter the semantics of the document. Given these challenges, we use a black-box population-based optimization algorithm to generate semantically and syntactically similar adversarial examples that fool well-trained sentiment analysis and textual entailment models with success rates of 97% and 70%, respectively. We additionally demonstrate that 92.3% of the successful sentiment analysis adversarial examples are classified to their original label by 20 human annotators, and that the examples are perceptibly quite similar. Finally, we discuss an attempt to use adversarial training as a defense, but fail to yield improvement, demonstrating the strength and diversity of our adversarial examples. We hope our findings encourage researchers to pursue improving the robustness of DNNs in the natural language domain.Comment: Accepted in EMNLP 2018 (Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

    Adversarial Examples as an Input-Fault Tolerance Problem

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    We analyze the adversarial examples problem in terms of a model's fault tolerance with respect to its input. Whereas previous work focuses on arbitrarily strict threat models, i.e., Ο΅\epsilon-perturbations, we consider arbitrary valid inputs and propose an information-based characteristic for evaluating tolerance to diverse input faults.Comment: NIPS 2018 Workshop on Security and Machine Learning. Source available at https://github.com/uoguelph-mlrg/nips18-secml-advex-input-faul

    CAAD 2018: Generating Transferable Adversarial Examples

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples, perturbations carefully crafted to fool the targeted DNN, in both the non-targeted and targeted case. In the non-targeted case, the attacker simply aims to induce misclassification. In the targeted case, the attacker aims to induce classification to a specified target class. In addition, it has been observed that strong adversarial examples can transfer to unknown models, yielding a serious security concern. The NIPS 2017 competition was organized to accelerate research in adversarial attacks and defenses, taking place in the realistic setting where submitted adversarial attacks attempt to transfer to submitted defenses. The CAAD 2018 competition took place with nearly identical rules to the NIPS 2017 one. Given the requirement that the NIPS 2017 submissions were to be open-sourced, participants in the CAAD 2018 competition were able to directly build upon previous solutions, and thus improve the state-of-the-art in this setting. Our team participated in the CAAD 2018 competition, and won 1st place in both attack subtracks, non-targeted and targeted adversarial attacks, and 3rd place in defense. We outline our solutions and development results in this article. We hope our results can inform researchers in both generating and defending against adversarial examples.Comment: 1st place attack solutions and 3rd place defense in CAAD 2018 Competitio

    Transfer of Adversarial Robustness Between Perturbation Types

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    We study the transfer of adversarial robustness of deep neural networks between different perturbation types. While most work on adversarial examples has focused on L∞L_\infty and L2L_2-bounded perturbations, these do not capture all types of perturbations available to an adversary. The present work evaluates 32 attacks of 5 different types against models adversarially trained on a 100-class subset of ImageNet. Our empirical results suggest that evaluating on a wide range of perturbation sizes is necessary to understand whether adversarial robustness transfers between perturbation types. We further demonstrate that robustness against one perturbation type may not always imply and may sometimes hurt robustness against other perturbation types. In light of these results, we recommend evaluation of adversarial defenses take place on a diverse range of perturbation types and sizes.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    GenAttack: Practical Black-box Attacks with Gradient-Free Optimization

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    Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, even in the black-box setting, where the attacker is restricted solely to query access. Existing black-box approaches to generating adversarial examples typically require a significant number of queries, either for training a substitute network or performing gradient estimation. We introduce GenAttack, a gradient-free optimization technique that uses genetic algorithms for synthesizing adversarial examples in the black-box setting. Our experiments on different datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet) show that GenAttack can successfully generate visually imperceptible adversarial examples against state-of-the-art image recognition models with orders of magnitude fewer queries than previous approaches. Against MNIST and CIFAR-10 models, GenAttack required roughly 2,126 and 2,568 times fewer queries respectively, than ZOO, the prior state-of-the-art black-box attack. In order to scale up the attack to large-scale high-dimensional ImageNet models, we perform a series of optimizations that further improve the query efficiency of our attack leading to 237 times fewer queries against the Inception-v3 model than ZOO. Furthermore, we show that GenAttack can successfully attack some state-of-the-art ImageNet defenses, including ensemble adversarial training and non-differentiable or randomized input transformations. Our results suggest that evolutionary algorithms open up a promising area of research into effective black-box attacks.Comment: Accepted in The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 201

    Defending Against Multiple and Unforeseen Adversarial Videos

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    Adversarial robustness of deep neural networks has been actively investigated. However, most existing defense approaches are limited to a specific type of adversarial perturbations. Specifically, they often fail to offer resistance to multiple attack types simultaneously, i.e., they lack multi-perturbation robustness. Furthermore, compared to image recognition problems, the adversarial robustness of video recognition models is relatively unexplored. While several studies have proposed how to generate adversarial videos, only a handful of approaches about defense strategies have been published in the literature. In this paper, we propose one of the first defense strategies against multiple types of adversarial videos for video recognition. The proposed method, referred to as MultiBN, performs adversarial training on multiple adversarial video types using multiple independent batch normalization (BN) layers with a learning-based BN selection module. With a multiple BN structure, each BN brach is responsible for learning the distribution of a single perturbation type and thus provides more precise distribution estimations. This mechanism benefits dealing with multiple perturbation types. The BN selection module detects the attack type of an input video and sends it to the corresponding BN branch, making MultiBN fully automatic and allowing end-to-end training. Compared to present adversarial training approaches, the proposed MultiBN exhibits stronger multi-perturbation robustness against different and even unforeseen adversarial video types, ranging from Lp-bounded attacks and physically realizable attacks. This holds true on different datasets and target models. Moreover, we conduct an extensive analysis to study the properties of the multiple BN structure.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP

    Towards Robustness against Unsuspicious Adversarial Examples

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    Despite the remarkable success of deep neural networks, significant concerns have emerged about their robustness to adversarial perturbations to inputs. While most attacks aim to ensure that these are imperceptible, physical perturbation attacks typically aim for being unsuspicious, even if perceptible. However, there is no universal notion of what it means for adversarial examples to be unsuspicious. We propose an approach for modeling suspiciousness by leveraging cognitive salience. Specifically, we split an image into foreground (salient region) and background (the rest), and allow significantly larger adversarial perturbations in the background, while ensuring that cognitive salience of background remains low. We describe how to compute the resulting non-salience-preserving dual-perturbation attacks on classifiers. We then experimentally demonstrate that our attacks indeed do not significantly change perceptual salience of the background, but are highly effective against classifiers robust to conventional attacks. Furthermore, we show that adversarial training with dual-perturbation attacks yields classifiers that are more robust to these than state-of-the-art robust learning approaches, and comparable in terms of robustness to conventional attacks.Comment: v2.

    On the Limitation of MagNet Defense against L1L_1-based Adversarial Examples

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    In recent years, defending adversarial perturbations to natural examples in order to build robust machine learning models trained by deep neural networks (DNNs) has become an emerging research field in the conjunction of deep learning and security. In particular, MagNet consisting of an adversary detector and a data reformer is by far one of the strongest defenses in the black-box oblivious attack setting, where the attacker aims to craft transferable adversarial examples from an undefended DNN model to bypass an unknown defense module deployed on the same DNN model. Under this setting, MagNet can successfully defend a variety of attacks in DNNs, including the high-confidence adversarial examples generated by the Carlini and Wagner's attack based on the L2L_2 distortion metric. However, in this paper, under the same attack setting we show that adversarial examples crafted based on the L1L_1 distortion metric can easily bypass MagNet and mislead the target DNN image classifiers on MNIST and CIFAR-10. We also provide explanations on why the considered approach can yield adversarial examples with superior attack performance and conduct extensive experiments on variants of MagNet to verify its lack of robustness to L1L_1 distortion based attacks. Notably, our results substantially weaken the assumption of effective threat models on MagNet that require knowing the deployed defense technique when attacking DNNs (i.e., the gray-box attack setting).Comment: Accepted to IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable and Systems and Networks (DSN) 2018 Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learnin