43 research outputs found

    Medical Image Analysis on Left Atrial LGE MRI for Atrial Fibrillation Studies: A Review

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    Late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (LGE MRI) is commonly used to visualize and quantify left atrial (LA) scars. The position and extent of scars provide important information of the pathophysiology and progression of atrial fibrillation (AF). Hence, LA scar segmentation and quantification from LGE MRI can be useful in computer-assisted diagnosis and treatment stratification of AF patients. Since manual delineation can be time-consuming and subject to intra- and inter-expert variability, automating this computing is highly desired, which nevertheless is still challenging and under-researched. This paper aims to provide a systematic review on computing methods for LA cavity, wall, scar and ablation gap segmentation and quantification from LGE MRI, and the related literature for AF studies. Specifically, we first summarize AF-related imaging techniques, particularly LGE MRI. Then, we review the methodologies of the four computing tasks in detail, and summarize the validation strategies applied in each task. Finally, the possible future developments are outlined, with a brief survey on the potential clinical applications of the aforementioned methods. The review shows that the research into this topic is still in early stages. Although several methods have been proposed, especially for LA segmentation, there is still large scope for further algorithmic developments due to performance issues related to the high variability of enhancement appearance and differences in image acquisition.Comment: 23 page

    Multi-Modality Pathology Segmentation Framework: Application to Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images

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    Multi-sequence of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images can provide complementary information for myocardial pathology (scar and edema). However, it is still challenging to fuse these underlying information for pathology segmentation effectively. This work presents an automatic cascade pathology segmentation framework based on multi-modality CMR images. It mainly consists of two neural networks: an anatomical structure segmentation network (ASSN) and a pathological region segmentation network (PRSN). Specifically, the ASSN aims to segment the anatomical structure where the pathology may exist, and it can provide a spatial prior for the pathological region segmentation. In addition, we integrate a denoising auto-encoder (DAE) into the ASSN to generate segmentation results with plausible shapes. The PRSN is designed to segment pathological region based on the result of ASSN, in which a fusion block based on channel attention is proposed to better aggregate multi-modality information from multi-modality CMR images. Experiments from the MyoPS2020 challenge dataset show that our framework can achieve promising performance for myocardial scar and edema segmentation.Comment: 12 pages,MyoPS 202

    Simultaneous left atrium anatomy and scar segmentations via deep learning in multiview information with attention

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    Three-dimensional late gadolinium enhanced (LGE) cardiac MR (CMR) of left atrial scar in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) has recently emerged as a promising technique to stratify patients, to guide ablation therapy and to predict treatment success. This requires a segmentation of the high intensity scar tissue and also a segmentation of the left atrium (LA) anatomy, the latter usually being derived from a separate bright-blood acquisition. Performing both segmentations automatically from a single 3D LGE CMR acquisition would eliminate the need for an additional acquisition and avoid subsequent registration issues. In this paper, we propose a joint segmentation method based on multiview two-task (MVTT) recursive attention model working directly on 3D LGE CMR images to segment the LA (and proximal pulmonary veins) and to delineate the scar on the same dataset. Using our MVTT recursive attention model, both the LA anatomy and scar can be segmented accurately (mean Dice score of 93% for the LA anatomy and 87% for the scar segmentations) and efficiently (0.27 s to simultaneously segment the LA anatomy and scars directly from the 3D LGE CMR dataset with 60–68 2D slices). Compared to conventional unsupervised learning and other state-of-the-art deep learning based methods, the proposed MVTT model achieved excellent results, leading to an automatic generation of a patient-specific anatomical model combined with scar segmentation for patients in AF

    AtrialGeneral: Domain Generalization for Left Atrial Segmentation of Multi-Center LGE MRIs

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    Left atrial (LA) segmentation from late gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (LGE MRI) is a crucial step needed for planning the treatment of atrial fibrillation. However, automatic LA segmentation from LGE MRI is still challenging, due to the poor image quality, high variability in LA shapes, and unclear LA boundary. Though deep learning-based methods can provide promising LA segmentation results, they often generalize poorly to unseen domains, such as data from different scanners and/or sites. In this work, we collect 210 LGE MRIs from different centers with different levels of image quality. To evaluate the domain generalization ability of models on the LA segmentation task, we employ four commonly used semantic segmentation networks for the LA segmentation from multi-center LGE MRIs. Besides, we investigate three domain generalization strategies, i.e., histogram matching, mutual information based disentangled representation, and random style transfer, where a simple histogram matching is proved to be most effective.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, MICCAI202

    MyoPS-Net: Myocardial Pathology Segmentation with Flexible Combination of Multi-Sequence CMR Images

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    Myocardial pathology segmentation (MyoPS) can be a prerequisite for the accurate diagnosis and treatment planning of myocardial infarction. However, achieving this segmentation is challenging, mainly due to the inadequate and indistinct information from an image. In this work, we develop an end-to-end deep neural network, referred to as MyoPS-Net, to flexibly combine five-sequence cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images for MyoPS. To extract precise and adequate information, we design an effective yet flexible architecture to extract and fuse cross-modal features. This architecture can tackle different numbers of CMR images and complex combinations of modalities, with output branches targeting specific pathologies. To impose anatomical knowledge on the segmentation results, we first propose a module to regularize myocardium consistency and localize the pathologies, and then introduce an inclusiveness loss to utilize relations between myocardial scars and edema. We evaluated the proposed MyoPS-Net on two datasets, i.e., a private one consisting of 50 paired multi-sequence CMR images and a public one from MICCAI2020 MyoPS Challenge. Experimental results showed that MyoPS-Net could achieve state-of-the-art performance in various scenarios. Note that in practical clinics, the subjects may not have full sequences, such as missing LGE CMR or mapping CMR scans. We therefore conducted extensive experiments to investigate the performance of the proposed method in dealing with such complex combinations of different CMR sequences. Results proved the superiority and generalizability of MyoPS-Net, and more importantly, indicated a practical clinical application