710 research outputs found

    On Linear Congestion Games with Altruistic Social Context

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    We study the issues of existence and inefficiency of pure Nash equilibria in linear congestion games with altruistic social context, in the spirit of the model recently proposed by de Keijzer {\em et al.} \cite{DSAB13}. In such a framework, given a real matrix Γ=(γij)\Gamma=(\gamma_{ij}) specifying a particular social context, each player ii aims at optimizing a linear combination of the payoffs of all the players in the game, where, for each player jj, the multiplicative coefficient is given by the value γij\gamma_{ij}. We give a broad characterization of the social contexts for which pure Nash equilibria are always guaranteed to exist and provide tight or almost tight bounds on their prices of anarchy and stability. In some of the considered cases, our achievements either improve or extend results previously known in the literature

    The Quality of Equilibria for Set Packing Games

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    We introduce set packing games as an abstraction of situations in which nn selfish players select subsets of a finite set of indivisible items, and analyze the quality of several equilibria for this class of games. Assuming that players are able to approximately play equilibrium strategies, we show that the total quality of the resulting equilibrium solutions is only moderately suboptimal. Our results are tight bounds on the price of anarchy for three equilibrium concepts, namely Nash equilibria, subgame perfect equilibria, and an equilibrium concept that we refer to as kk-collusion Nash equilibrium