3 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Coordinate Descent under More Realistic Assumptions

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    Asynchronous-parallel algorithms have the potential to vastly speed up algorithms by eliminating costly synchronization. However, our understanding to these algorithms is limited because the current convergence of asynchronous (block) coordinate descent algorithms are based on somewhat unrealistic assumptions. In particular, the age of the shared optimization variables being used to update a block is assumed to be independent of the block being updated. Also, it is assumed that the updates are applied to randomly chosen blocks. In this paper, we argue that these assumptions either fail to hold or will imply less efficient implementations. We then prove the convergence of asynchronous-parallel block coordinate descent under more realistic assumptions, in particular, always without the independence assumption. The analysis permits both the deterministic (essentially) cyclic and random rules for block choices. Because a bound on the asynchronous delays may or may not be available, we establish convergence for both bounded delays and unbounded delays. The analysis also covers nonconvex, weakly convex, and strongly convex functions. We construct Lyapunov functions that directly model both objective progress and delays, so delays are not treated errors or noise. A continuous-time ODE is provided to explain the construction at a high level

    Asynchronous parallel primal-dual block coordinate update methods for affinely constrained convex programs

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    Recent several years have witnessed the surge of asynchronous (async-) parallel computing methods due to the extremely big data involved in many modern applications and also the advancement of multi-core machines and computer clusters. In optimization, most works about async-parallel methods are on unconstrained problems or those with block separable constraints. In this paper, we propose an async-parallel method based on block coordinate update (BCU) for solving convex problems with nonseparable linear constraint. Running on a single node, the method becomes a novel randomized primal-dual BCU with adaptive stepsize for multi-block affinely constrained problems. For these problems, Gauss-Seidel cyclic primal-dual BCU needs strong convexity to have convergence. On the contrary, merely assuming convexity, we show that the objective value sequence generated by the proposed algorithm converges in probability to the optimal value and also the constraint residual to zero. In addition, we establish an ergodic O(1/k)O(1/k) convergence result, where kk is the number of iterations. Numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method and significantly better speed-up performance than its sync-parallel counterpart

    First-order methods for constrained convex programming based on linearized augmented Lagrangian function

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    First-order methods have been popularly used for solving large-scale problems. However, many existing works only consider unconstrained problems or those with simple constraint. In this paper, we develop two first-order methods for constrained convex programs, for which the constraint set is represented by affine equations and smooth nonlinear inequalities. Both methods are based on the classic augmented Lagrangian function. They update the multipliers in the same way as the augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) but employ different primal variable updates. The first method, at each iteration, performs a single proximal gradient step to the primal variable, and the second method is a block update version of the first one. For the first method, we establish its global iterate convergence as well as global sublinear and local linear convergence, and for the second method, we show a global sublinear convergence result in expectation. Numerical experiments are carried out on the basis pursuit denoising and a convex quadratically constrained quadratic program to show the empirical performance of the proposed methods. Their numerical behaviors closely match the established theoretical results