14,364 research outputs found

    Increasing the capacity of distributed generation in electricity networks by intelligent generator control

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    The rise of environmental awareness as well as the unstable global fossil fuel market has brought about government initiatives to increase electricity generation from renewable energy sources. These resources tend to be geographically and electrically remote from load centres. Consequently many Distributed Generators (DGs) are expected to be connected to the existing Distribution Networks (DNs), which have high impedance and low X/R ratios. Intermittence and unpredictability of the various types of renewable energy sources can be of time scales of days (hydro) down to seconds (wind, wave). As the time scale becomes smaller, the output of the DG becomes more difficult to accommodate in the DN. With the DGs operating in constant power factor mode, intermittence of the output of the generator combined with the high impedance and low X/R ratios of the DN will cause voltage variations above the statutory limits for quality of supply. This is traditionally mitigated by accepting increased operation of automated network control or network reinforcement. However, due to the distributed nature of RES, automating or reinforcing the DN can be expensive and difficult solutions to implement. The Thesis proposed was that new methods of controlling DG voltage could enable the connection of increased capacities of plant to existing DNs without the need for network management or reinforcement. The work reported here discusses the implications of the increasing capacity of DG in rural distribution networks on steady-state voltage profiles. Two methods of voltage compensation are proposed. The first is a deterministic system that uses a set of rules to intelligently switch between voltage and power factor control modes. This new control algorithm is shown to be able to respond well to slow voltage variations due to load or generation changes. The second method is a fuzzy inference system that adjusts the setpoint of the power factor controller in response to the local voltage. This system can be set to respond to any steady-state voltage variations that will be experienced. Further, control of real power is developed as a supplementary means for voltage regulation in weak rural networks. The algorithms developed in the study are shown to operate with any synchronous or asynchronous generation wherein real and reactive power can be separately controlled. Extensive simulations of typical and real rural systems using synchronous generators (small hydro) and doubly-fed induction generators (wind turbines) have verified that the proposed approaches improve the voltage profile of the distribution network. This demonstrated that the original Thesis was true and that the techniques proposed allow wider operation of greater capacities of DG within the statutory voltage limits

    AC OPF in Radial Distribution Networks - Parts I,II

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    The optimal power-flow problem (OPF) has played a key role in the planning and operation of power systems. Due to the non-linear nature of the AC power-flow equations, the OPF problem is known to be non-convex, therefore hard to solve. Most proposed methods for solving the OPF rely on approximations that render the problem convex, but that may yield inexact solutions. Recently, Farivar and Low proposed a method that is claimed to be exact for radial distribution systems, despite no apparent approximations. In our work, we show that it is, in fact, not exact. On one hand, there is a misinterpretation of the physical network model related to the ampacity constraint of the lines' current flows. On the other hand, the proof of the exactness of the proposed relaxation requires unrealistic assumptions related to the unboundedness of specific control variables. We also show that the extension of this approach to account for exact line models might provide physically infeasible solutions. Recently, several contributions have proposed OPF algorithms that rely on the use of the alternating-direction method of multipliers (ADMM). However, as we show in this work, there are cases for which the ADMM-based solution of the non-relaxed OPF problem fails to converge. To overcome the aforementioned limitations, we propose an algorithm for the solution of a non-approximated, non-convex OPF problem in radial distribution systems that is based on the method of multipliers, and on a primal decomposition of the OPF. This work is divided in two parts. In Part I, we specifically discuss the limitations of BFM and ADMM to solve the OPF problem. In Part II, we provide a centralized version and a distributed asynchronous version of the proposed OPF algorithm and we evaluate its performances using both small-scale electrical networks, as well as a modified IEEE 13-node test feeder

    Distributed reactive power feedback control for voltage regulation and loss minimization

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    We consider the problem of exploiting the microgenerators dispersed in the power distribution network in order to provide distributed reactive power compensation for power losses minimization and voltage regulation. In the proposed strategy, microgenerators are smart agents that can measure their phasorial voltage, share these data with the other agents on a cyber layer, and adjust the amount of reactive power injected into the grid, according to a feedback control law that descends from duality-based methods applied to the optimal reactive power flow problem. Convergence to the configuration of minimum losses and feasible voltages is proved analytically for both a synchronous and an asynchronous version of the algorithm, where agents update their state independently one from the other. Simulations are provided in order to illustrate the performance and the robustness of the algorithm, and the innovative feedback nature of such strategy is discussed
