9 research outputs found

    Bayesian Pose Graph Optimization via Bingham Distributions and Tempered Geodesic MCMC

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    We introduce Tempered Geodesic Markov Chain Monte Carlo (TG-MCMC) algorithm for initializing pose graph optimization problems, arising in various scenarios such as SFM (structure from motion) or SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping). TG-MCMC is first of its kind as it unites asymptotically global non-convex optimization on the spherical manifold of quaternions with posterior sampling, in order to provide both reliable initial poses and uncertainty estimates that are informative about the quality of individual solutions. We devise rigorous theoretical convergence guarantees for our method and extensively evaluate it on synthetic and real benchmark datasets. Besides its elegance in formulation and theory, we show that our method is robust to missing data, noise and the estimated uncertainties capture intuitive properties of the data.Comment: Published at NeurIPS 2018, 25 pages with supplement

    Solving Linear Inverse Problems using Higher-Order Annealed Langevin Diffusion

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    We propose a solution for linear inverse problems based on higher-order Langevin diffusion. More precisely, we propose pre-conditioned second-order and third-order Langevin dynamics that provably sample from the posterior distribution of our unknown variables of interest while being computationally more efficient than their first-order counterpart and the non-conditioned versions of both dynamics. Moreover, we prove that both pre-conditioned dynamics are well-defined and have the same unique invariant distributions as the non-conditioned cases. We also incorporate an annealing procedure that has the double benefit of further accelerating the convergence of the algorithm and allowing us to accommodate the case where the unknown variables are discrete. Numerical experiments in two different tasks in communications (MIMO symbol detection and channel estimation) and in three tasks for images showcase the generality of our method and illustrate the high performance achieved relative to competing approaches (including learning-based ones) while having comparable or lower computational complexity

    Sliced-Wasserstein Flows: Nonparametric Generative Modeling via Optimal Transport and Diffusions

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    International audienceBy building upon the recent theory that estab- lished the connection between implicit generative modeling (IGM) and optimal transport, in this study, we propose a novel parameter-free algo- rithm for learning the underlying distributions of complicated datasets and sampling from them. The proposed algorithm is based on a functional optimization problem, which aims at finding a measure that is close to the data distribution as much as possible and also expressive enough for generative modeling purposes. We formulate the problem as a gradient flow in the space of proba- bility measures. The connections between gradi- ent flows and stochastic differential equations let us develop a computationally efficient algorithm for solving the optimization problem. We provide formal theoretical analysis where we prove finite- time error guarantees for the proposed algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed algo- rithm is the first nonparametric IGM algorithm with explicit theoretical guarantees. Our experi- mental results support our theory and show that our algorithm is able to successfully capture the structure of different types of data distributions

    Asynchronous Stochastic Quasi-Newton MCMC for Non-Convex Optimization

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    Recent studies have illustrated that stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques have a strong potential in non-convex optimization, where local and global convergence guarantees can be shown under certain conditions. By building up on this recent theory, in this study, we develop an asynchronous-parallel stochastic L-BFGS algorithm for non-convex optimization. The proposed algorithm is suitable for both distributed and shared-memory settings. We provide formal theoretical analysis and show that the proposed method achieves an ergodic convergence rate of O(1/√N) (N being the total number of iterations) and it can achieve a linear speedup under certain conditions. We perform several experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The results support our theory and show that the proposed algorithm provides a significant speedup over the recently proposed synchronous distributed L-BFGS algorithm.Peer reviewe

    Asynchronous Stochastic Quasi-Newton MCMC for Non-Convex Optimization

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    Recent studies have illustrated that stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques have a strong potential in non-convex optimization, where local and global convergence guarantees can be shown under certain conditions. By building up on this recent theory, in this study, we develop an asynchronous-parallel stochastic L-BFGS algorithm for non-convex optimization. The proposed algorithm is suitable for both distributed and shared-memory settings. We provide formal theoretical analysis and show that the proposed method achieves an ergodic convergence rate of O(1/√N) (N being the total number of iterations) and it can achieve a linear speedup under certain conditions. We perform several experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The results support our theory and show that the proposed algorithm provides a significant speedup over the recently proposed synchronous distributed L-BFGS algorithm.Peer reviewe

    Asynchronous stochastic Quasi-Newton MCMC for non-convex optimization supplementary document

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    Recent studies have illustrated that stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques have a strong potential in non-convex optimization, where local and global convergence guarantees can be shown under certain conditions. By building up on this recent theory, in this study, we develop an asynchronous-parallel stochastic L-BFGS algorithm for non-convex optimization. The proposed algorithm is suitable for both distributed and shared-memory settings. We provide formal theoretical analysis and show that the proposed method achieves an ergodic convergence rate of {equation Presented} (N being the total number of iterations) and it can achieve a linear speedup under certain conditions. We perform several experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The results support our theory and show that the proposed algorithm provides a significant speedup over the recently proposed synchronous distributed L-BFGS algorithm.Peer reviewe

    Asynchronous stochastic Quasi-Newton MCMC for non-convex optimization supplementary document

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    Recent studies have illustrated that stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques have a strong potential in non-convex optimization, where local and global convergence guarantees can be shown under certain conditions. By building up on this recent theory, in this study, we develop an asynchronous-parallel stochastic L-BFGS algorithm for non-convex optimization. The proposed algorithm is suitable for both distributed and shared-memory settings. We provide formal theoretical analysis and show that the proposed method achieves an ergodic convergence rate of {equation Presented} (N being the total number of iterations) and it can achieve a linear speedup under certain conditions. We perform several experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The results support our theory and show that the proposed algorithm provides a significant speedup over the recently proposed synchronous distributed L-BFGS algorithm.Peer reviewe