8 research outputs found

    CED: Color Event Camera Dataset

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    Event cameras are novel, bio-inspired visual sensors, whose pixels output asynchronous and independent timestamped spikes at local intensity changes, called 'events'. Event cameras offer advantages over conventional frame-based cameras in terms of latency, high dynamic range (HDR) and temporal resolution. Until recently, event cameras have been limited to outputting events in the intensity channel, however, recent advances have resulted in the development of color event cameras, such as the Color-DAVIS346. In this work, we present and release the first Color Event Camera Dataset (CED), containing 50 minutes of footage with both color frames and events. CED features a wide variety of indoor and outdoor scenes, which we hope will help drive forward event-based vision research. We also present an extension of the event camera simulator ESIM that enables simulation of color events. Finally, we present an evaluation of three state-of-the-art image reconstruction methods that can be used to convert the Color-DAVIS346 into a continuous-time, HDR, color video camera to visualise the event stream, and for use in downstream vision applications.Comment: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop

    DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios

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    Once an academic venture, autonomous driving has received unparalleled corporate funding in the last decade. Still, the operating conditions of current autonomous cars are mostly restricted to ideal scenarios. This means that driving in challenging illumination conditions such as night, sunrise, and sunset remains an open problem. In these cases, standard cameras are being pushed to their limits in terms of low light and high dynamic range performance. To address these challenges, we propose, DSEC, a new dataset that contains such demanding illumination conditions and provides a rich set of sensory data. DSEC offers data from a wide-baseline stereo setup of two color frame cameras and two high-resolution monochrome event cameras. In addition, we collect lidar data and RTK GPS measurements, both hardware synchronized with all camera data. One of the distinctive features of this dataset is the inclusion of high-resolution event cameras. Event cameras have received increasing attention for their high temporal resolution and high dynamic range performance. However, due to their novelty, event camera datasets in driving scenarios are rare. This work presents the first high-resolution, large-scale stereo dataset with event cameras. The dataset contains 53 sequences collected by driving in a variety of illumination conditions and provides ground truth disparity for the development and evaluation of event-based stereo algorithms.Comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    An Asynchronous Kalman Filter for Hybrid Event Cameras

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    Event cameras are ideally suited to capture HDR visual information without blur but perform poorly on static or slowly changing scenes. Conversely, conventional image sensors measure absolute intensity of slowly changing scenes effectively but do poorly on high dynamic range or quickly changing scenes. In this paper, we present an event-based video reconstruction pipeline for High Dynamic Range (HDR) scenarios. The proposed algorithm includes a frame augmentation pre-processing step that deblurs and temporally interpolates frame data using events. The augmented frame and event data are then fused using a novel asynchronous Kalman filter under a unifying uncertainty model for both sensors. Our experimental results are evaluated on both publicly available datasets with challenging lighting conditions and fast motions and our new dataset with HDR reference. The proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both absolute intensity error (48% reduction) and image similarity indexes (average 11% improvement).Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 202

    Event Camera Calibration of Per-pixel Biased Contrast Threshold

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    Event cameras output asynchronous events to represent intensity changes with a high temporal resolution, even under extreme lighting conditions. Currently, most of the existing works use a single contrast threshold to estimate the intensity change of all pixels. However, complex circuit bias and manufacturing imperfections cause biased pixels and mismatch contrast threshold among pixels, which may lead to undesirable outputs. In this paper, we propose a new event camera model and two calibration approaches which cover event-only cameras and hybrid image-event cameras. When intensity images are simultaneously provided along with events, we also propose an efficient online method to calibrate event cameras that adapts to time-varying event rates. We demonstrate the advantages of our proposed methods compared to the state-of-the-art on several different event camera dataset

    Asynchronous Spatial Image Convolutions for Event Cameras

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    Spatial convolution is arguably the most fundamental of two-dimensional image processing operations. Conventional spatial image convolution can only be applied to a conventional image, that is, an array of pixel values (or similar image representation) that are associated with a single instant in time. Event cameras have serial, asynchronous output with no natural notion of an image frame, and each event arrives with a different timestamp. In this letter, we propose a method to compute the convolution of a linear spatial kernel with the output of an event camera. The approach operates on the event stream output of the camera directly without synthesising pseudoimage frames as is common in the literature. The key idea is the introduction of an internal state that directly encodes the convolved image information, which is updated asynchronously as each event arrives from the camera. The state can be read off as often as and whenever required for use in higher level vision algorithms for real-time robotic systems. We demonstrate the application of our method to corner detection, providing an implementation of a Harris corner-response “state” that can be used in real time for feature detection and tracking on robotic systems.This work was supported in part by the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship and in part by the Australian Research Council through the “Australian Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision” under Grant CE140100016

    Asynchronous Spatial Image Convolutions for Event Cameras

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