1 research outputs found

    Nonlinear fractional Schr\"odinger equations in one dimension

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    We consider the question of global existence of small, smooth, and localized solutions of a certain fractional semilinear cubic NLS in one dimension, i∂tu−Λu=c0∣u∣2u+c1u3+c2uuˉ2+c3uˉ3,Λ=Λ(∂x)=∣∂x∣(1/2)i\partial_t u - \Lambda u = c_0{|u|}^2 u + c_1 u^3 + c_2 u \bar{u}^2 + c_3 \bar{u}^3, \qquad \Lambda = \Lambda(\partial_x) = {|\partial_x|}^(1/2), where c0∈Rc_0\in\mathbb{R} and c1,c2,c3∈Cc_1,c_2,c_3\in\mathbb{C}. This model is motivated by the two-dimensional water waves equations, which have a somewhat similar structure in the Eulerian formulation, in the case of irrotational flows. We show that one cannot expect linear scattering, even in this simplified model. More precisely, we identify a suitable nonlinear logarithmic correction, and prove global existence and modified scattering of solutions