4 research outputs found

    Asymptotically Optimal Multiple-access Communication via Distributed Rate Splitting

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    We consider the multiple-access communication problem in a distributed setting for both the additive white Gaussian noise channel and the discrete memoryless channel. We propose a scheme called Distributed Rate Splitting to achieve the optimal rates allowed by information theory in a distributed manner. In this scheme, each real user creates a number of virtual users via a power/rate splitting mechanism in the M-user Gaussian channel or via a random switching mechanism in the M-user discrete memoryless channel. At the receiver, all virtual users are successively decoded. Compared with other multiple-access techniques, Distributed Rate Splitting can be implemented with lower complexity and less coordination. Furthermore, in a symmetric setting, we show that the rate tuple achieved by this scheme converges to the maximum equal rate point allowed by the information-theoretic bound as the number of virtual users per real user tends to infinity. When the capacity regions are asymmetric, we show that a point on the dominant face can be achieved asymptotically. Finally, when there is an unequal number of virtual users per real user, we show that differential user rate requirements can be accommodated in a distributed fashion.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 15 Page

    Sum-Rate Maximization of Uplink Rate Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) Communication

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    In this paper, the problem of maximizing the wireless users' sum-rate for uplink rate splitting multiple access (RSMA) communications is studied. In the considered model, each user transmits a superposition of two messages to a base station (BS) with separate transmit power and the BS uses a successive decoding technique to decode the received messages. To maximize each user's transmission rate, the users must adjust their transmit power and the BS must determine the decoding order of the messages transmitted from the users to the BS. This problem is formulated as a sum-rate maximization problem with proportional rate constraints by adjusting the users' transmit power and the BS's decoding order. However, since the decoding order variable in the optimization problem is discrete, the original maximization problem with transmit power and decoding order variables can be transformed into a problem with only the rate splitting variable. Then, the optimal rate splitting of each user is determined. Given the optimal rate splitting of each user and a decoding order, the optimal transmit power of each user is calculated. Next, the optimal decoding order is determined by an exhaustive search method. To further reduce the complexity of the optimization algorithm used for sum-rate maximization in RSMA, a user pairing based algorithm is introduced, which enables two users to use RSMA in each pair and also enables the users in different pairs to be allocated with orthogonal frequency. For comparisons, the optimal sum-rate maximizing solutions with proportional rate constraints are obtained in closed form for non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), frequency division multiple access (FDMA), and time division multiple access (TDMA). Simulation results show that RSMA can achieve up to 10.0\%, 22.2\%, and 83.7\% gains in terms of sum-rate compared to NOMA, FDMA, and TDMA.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    On the Optimal Transmission Strategies for Sources without Channel State Information

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    With the growth of multimedia services, it is essential to find new transmission schemes to support higher data rates in wireless networks. In this thesis, we study networks in which the Channel State Information (CSI) is only available at the destination. We focus on the analysis of three different network setups. For each case, we propose a transmission scheme which maximizes the average performance of the network. The first scenario, which is studied in Chapter 2, is a multi-hop network in which the channel gain of each hop changes quasi-statically from one transmission block to the other. Our main motivation to study this network is the recent advances in deployment of relay nodes in wireless networks (e.g., LTE-A and IEEE 802.16j). In this setup, we assume that all nodes are equipped with a single antenna and the relay nodes are not capable of data buffering over multiple transmission blocks. The proposed transmission scheme is based on infinite-layer coding at all nodes (the source and all relays) in conjunction with the Decode-and-Forward DF relaying. The objective is to maximize the statistical average of the received rate per channel use at the destination. To find the optimal parameters of this code, we first formulate the problem for a two-hop scenario and describe the code design algorithm for this two-hop setting. The optimality of infinite-layer DF coding is also discussed for the case of two-hop networks. The result is then generalized to multi-hop scenarios. To show the superiority of the proposed scheme, we also evaluate the achievable average received rate of infinite-layer DF coding and compare it with the performance of previously known schemes. The second scenario, studied in Chapter 3, is a single-hop network in which both nodes are equipped with multiple antennas, while the channel gain changes quasi-statically and the CSI is not available at the source. The main reason for selecting this network setup is to study the transmission of video signals (compressed using a scalable video coding technique, e.g., SVC H.264/AVC) over a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) link. In this setup, although scalable video coding techniques compress the video signal into layers with different importance (for video reconstruction), the source cannot adapt the number of transmitted layers to the capacity of the channel (since it does not have the CSI in each time slot). An alternative approach is to always transmit all layers of the compressed video signal, but use unequal error protection for different layers. With this motivation, we focus on the design of multilayer codes for a MIMO link in which the destination is only able to perform successive decoding (not joint-decoding). In this chapter, we introduce a design rule for construction of multilayer codes for MIMO systems. We also propose a algorithm that uses this design rule to determine the parameters of the multilayer code. The performance analysis of the proposed scheme is also discussed in this chapter. In the two previous scenarios, the ambiguity of the source regarding the channel state comes from the fact that the channel gains randomly change in each transmission block and there is no feedback to notify the source about the current state of the channel. Apart from these, there are some scenarios in which the channel state is unknown at the source, even though the channel gain is fixed and the source knows its value. The third scenario of this thesis presents an example of such network setups. More precisely, in Chapter 4, we study a multiple access network with K users and one Access Point (AP), where all nodes are equipped with multiple antennas. To access the network, each user independently decides whether to transmit in a time slot or not (no coordination between users). Considering a two-user random access network, we first derive the optimal value of network average Degrees of Freedom (DoF) (introduced in Section 4.1). Generalizing the result to multiuser networks, we propose an upper-bound for the network average DoF of a K-user random access network. This upper-bound is then analyzed for different network configurations to identify the network classes in which the proposed upper-bound is tight. It is also shown that simple single-stream data transmission achieves the upper-bound in most network settings. However, for some network configurations, we need to apply multi-stream data transmission in conjunction with interference alignment to reach the upper-bound. Some illustrative examples are also presented in this chapter